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"A masked party?" Mal asked and I nodded.

"Please, Mal! If you do this, I can dance with her again and show her it's me! I won't ask you for anything again, I promise!" I said and she sighed.

"Alright, only because this is to make my sister happy." She said and I grinned.

"Yes! Thank you, your majesticness." She waved me off then I left, going to town and waiting for Iraina by the cafe.

Iraina's POV
I left the school then felt like someone was following me and stopped by a vending machine, getting chips but seeing Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos following me. I grabbed my phone as I went towards town then texted Harry, telling him I was being followed by my sister and that I would meet him in the back of the cafe, to talk to Tina. When I got to the cafe, she waved me back and I went to the backroom then saw Harry there.

"Sorry, my sister is following me."

"That's okay." He said then Tina came back.

"Here, out this way." She let us out a back door then I smiled at her.

"Thank you, Tina. I owe you." She nodded and smiled.

"Just make sure Harry's dad leaves my mom alone, alright?" Suddenly, I knew who she was.

"Got it, Tinker." I said and she grinned as we left.

"Her mom is Tinkerbell? I was expecting someone smaller." Harry said and I laughed. He grabbed my hand then we ran away from the cafe, laughing since it was like some forbidden love story. When we were far enough away, he dragged me down an alley then I laid back on the wall, holding him close as he looked around.

"I believe, the coast is clear." He said and looked at me, standing very close. I smiled at him then heard Mal's voice and laughed.

"Hurry!" Harry whispered and we ran off, hiding from my sister the whole day. That evening, it started raining and we ran to the cafe, going under the awning.

"Its really coming down." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah, it came out of nowhere." I laughed then looked at him, seeing her was really close again.

"Here, come inside." We looked at Tina and went inside, both of us taking hot cocoa from her.

"Thanks, Tina. I owe you for helping us."

"Of course." She smiled then I saw we were basically the only three inside.

"We closed early, but you're friends." She said and I nodded.

"Thank you." Harry said and she nodded. We sat by the window as she cleaned up then I watched the rain fall, smiling as it slowly stopped.

"I've had a lot of fun the last few days." He said and I laughed, nodding.

"Yeah, me too." I said, looking at him, then he reached across, grabbing my hand.

"Maybe we can go to Mal's party together now?" He asked and I nodded.

"I wish, but she's decided on a masquerade again. She wants to help me get ready, but I can meet you there." I said and he smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll find you there."

Mal's POV
I watched her and Harry run into the cafe then stared as they actually laughed and talked together.

"She is meeting Harry!" Evie whispered then I think my jaw dropped to the ground as he grabbed Iraina's hand.

"Are they dating?!" Jay asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know." I said and we watched them as they sat in the cafe. When the rain stopped, they left and went back to the school so we left our hiding spot in the boutique.

"Evie, my sister needs to be absolutely gorgeous for my party."

"Consider it done." She said and I nodded, counting on her to help my sister.

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