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I smiled as I sat with Mal, Evie, Uma, Jane, and Audrey then my sister smirked as she eyed me.

"Have a nice night?" I nodded then looked up as a waitress came to us.

"Are we all here?" She asked and Mal nodded, all of them ordering. When it came to me, I didn't know half the things on the menu.

"Are you fresh off the Isle?" The waitress asked and I nodded.

"Then I've got the perfect drink for you." She said and I nodded.

"Alright, if you say so." She grinned and walked away then Evie bumped me.

"What's got you happy, huh?"

"I had a lot of fun last night, I just wish I knew who I danced with." I said and Mal snorted.


"Nothing. Just... Fairy tale story here, two masked strangers meeting and falling in love at first dance. Neither knows who the other is, but both struggle desperately to find the other." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not desperate to find him, Mal-"

"Says you." Uma smirked and I lightly bit my lip, remembering the guy.

"Tell us about him, we could try and help." Evie said and I nodded.

"Well, he had a slight accent. I know it, I just can't figure out where I've heard it before. And he smelled so good, like... Like freshly cut roses and a soft breeze you only get when you're high above the Isle grounds. He was funny too, he had all these jokes and-" I stopped as I saw them smirking then was confused.


"YOU'RE IN LOVE!" All of them yelled then I shook my head.

"No, I don't even know who-"

"Who's in love?" We looked up then I glared at Harry Hook as he stood with the prince and his friends.

"No one, pirate. Why don't you go find a croc, hmm?"

"Only if you find yourself a hatter and a white rabbit." He grinned then I growled, looking away as he sneered.

"Harry, Iraina, enough." Mal said and I rolled my eyes.

"All of us are hanging out today, you two need to behave." Mal commanded and I glared as the waitress came back.

"Here you are, VK." She said and I took the cold drink, loving it at first taste.

"This is very good, thank you-"

"Careful, she'll rip your heart out." Harry smirked then I growled, standing and dumping my drink on him. He looked floored as the others were shocked then he turned pissed.

"Why did you do that?!"

"Because you're annoying!" I yelled then he got in my face.

"Me?! Have ya looked in the mirror lately, deary?! You're so self conceded that you call yourself a queen!"

"I'm trying to change, Harry! Maybe you can't see it past your huge ego-"

"STOP IT!" Evie yelled then we both looked at her.

"You two are like a bunch of two-year-olds fighting over the same toy! Seriously, if you can't get along, don't be near each other!" She said and I growled.

"Gladly." I spit then grabbed my bag, going to leave but Harry was following me.

"Quit following me!"

"I'm going to the academy, thank you very much!"

"Then take a different way!" I growled then stormed off.

Mal's POV
I groaned as I heard them yelling, even five minutes after they both stormed off, then Carlos laughed.

"Those two really spent hours dancing together last night?"

"Yep. And now that the masks are off, they're back to normal." I said and sighed.

"It'll be okay. Maybe once they know the truth-"


"Bad idea, Ben!" All the VKs yelled then he looked confused.

"Are they really that bad?" He asked and we nodded.

"They've destroyed entire stores from fighting each other."

"My mom doesn't let them in the store at the same time after the seventh time they destroyed it in a fight." Uma said and he looked shocked.

"Wow, okay then. So, what can we do?" He asked and I sighed, grabbing his hand as I thought of my sister. What can I do to help her?

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