8. Weird Fleshy Thing, Chase

Start from the beginning

Kaito nodded, he could easily do that! He didn't really like the weird fleshy thing either, it was all weird and fleshy and made him feel like he needed to warm water when touched too much. "Kaito no pull out weird fleshy thing! The Shinichi no pull out weird fleshy thing either, no want bumping into Kaito, Kaito no bump into the Shinichi" He agreed.

'Bumping annoying, glad the Shinichi no like'

"S-Sure" Shinichi agreed, somehow almost choking on his own spit, he really did not like that mental image and was quite pleased that Kaito seemed to be somewhat on the same page.

"The Shinichi play chase?" Azure eyes blinked in confusion.

'Miss chase... But how I miss? First real game...'

"Chase?" He inquired, Kaito nodded and swam a few feet away, doing a little loop.

"The Shinichi chases Kaito, Kaito escapes!" Kaito flashed a cocky smirk, indigos flashing brightly. Shinichi felt a small pang at the familiar expression.

'Escape fun! Escape good!'

"Of course!" He breathed in faint wonder, realizing that what Akako had said was true, Kaito still had echoes of his original self. He wondered if he could make those echoes become more than just echoes. He crossed his arms across his chest, giving the corner magician an amused smirk. "But you won't be able to escape me, I'll catch you Ki-—Kaito" He mentally frowned at the slip, the other wasn't Kid anymore.

"Kaito always escapes!" Kaito flashed a toothy grin before zipping away, Shinichi froze for a half second before taking off after him.

'Fun! fun! fun!'

Kaito let out a happy trill as he burst through a clump of seaweed, narrowly dodging Shinichi's grasp, and instead flicked a few shells at him.

'Kaito no caught! Can't catch Kaito!'

He swiftly hit the sandy ground with his tail, using the sand cover to sneak behind Shinichi, careful not to disturb the water currents too much. The sand would follow him and give away his position. "Kaito winning!" Kaito chirped happily as he gave Shinichi a quick poke in the back before darting off.

Shinichi let out a half frustrated growl as he took off after Kaito, he couldn't help the wide grin on his face. It'd been too long since he'd been able to actually chase after a real challenge.

'Kaito sneaky, uncatchable!'

The two continued their game of chase for hours, Shinichi always coming close to catching Kaito before the former magician somehow managed to make his escape.

A sudden ringing sound caught their attention, making them pause in their little game. Indigos flashed with excitement as Kaito swam off in the direction of the sound. "Yummy time!"

'Yum yum! Chase made hungry!'

Shinichi followed after Kaito, curious to know how they'd receive their food if Kaito was indeed correct about the sound's meaning.

Me: Kaito doesn't understand many human things XD and I had to make a reason why Kaito didn't have any company in the tank

And a reason why neither Kaito nor Shinichi have the instinct to mate like most creatures

Berry did research on dolphin mating because I didn't want the question "do dolphins have dicks?" In my search history XD....

And I kept it vague because I didn't want to google dolphin dicks because I don't want to see any, and human ones would probably pop up too =.=


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