Chapter 8 - An Invitation

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<haven't edited so there are probably mistakes>

How hard is it to get an answer from this guy. Just tell me why you decided to show up at my door, really, some people!

You fought to contain your frustrations with getting answers out of him, he was stalling. You knew it.

Nevertheless, you had to hold your tongue and keep quiet.

Finally, he seemed to register the question. Pausing and quirking his lips into a small smile, he finally, finally figured out what he was at your house for.
"I had multiple motivations for my visit" he started, "You know I don't do something unless I have absolute reason to." The Radio Demon murmured, still leaning against the door frame.

"Get on with it," You hissed through gritted teeth.

"Impatient, are we?"

You didn't respond.

"Ahem. I'm really a messenger. Lucifer wants to see you."

You took a moment to process that. Lucifer. Satan. The Fallen Angel. Ruler of Hell. Wanted to see you.

For what reason? Does he hold a gathering for the demons of Hell normally? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Should I be worried—

"Let me finish before your mind runs too far, Mistress." He mused, cutting off your train of thought, "Lucifer would like to see you—and some of Hells most dangerous and feared—attend a sort of...banquet."

"Banquet?" You echoed, "Hells most deadly?"

"Quite a high honor to be included in that bunch, wouldn't you say? I'll also be there, so I'll inform you on what and who everyone is. We haven't been told what the banquet is for, but it's sure to be..." he trained off, eyes darkening, "riveting."

"Riveting." You repeated, furrowing your brow and giving him a skeptical glance. The demon only shrugged and handed you yet another card.

Taking it and inspecting the engraved letters, you gave him a frown and tucked the card safely into your pocket, patting it once.
"He really is a man of business." You murmured to yourself, ignoring the way his smirk widened. "Thanks for the information but I think it's best you leave, I have a few errands to run before this meeting commences."

"Of course," He said with a silky voice that sent shivers down your spine. Inwardly grumbling and rubbing your back, you shot him a dark look and gestured to the door and the coat ack with his garments, "Ahem."

As he began to slip out the door, a thought struck your mind and you grabbed his arm and tugged. The Radio Demon just tilted his head to the side with a sly smile, probably enjoying whatever it was you were fucking up.

Once you glanced down and took in what you were doing, you grimaced and pushed your flustered emotions away as well as his arm.

"I wanted to introduce myself, you've done so much for me after all." You started, cringing at the dry sarcasm that could be heard in your tone.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N), Mistress of Blood," inhaling sharply and looking him up and down, you added under your breath; "and your mirror-image it would seem."

"Alastor. The Radio Demon. Hells Tormentor. And all those other fancy nicknames they like to bestow upon us,"

Holding out your hand to shake, He took it and raised it to his face where he kissed it charmingly. Suppressing a shriek of surprise, your face twisted to a cross between a look of disgust, and one of panic. You gave a humorless laugh and patted his shoulder awkwardly, "Lovely to meet you, Alastor."

"And you as well, Miss. (L/N)."

Alastor winked at you, eyes glinting darkly in the low light. You watched as he smoothed down his coat and exited your property.

Slamming the door, you sighed and put your back to it, sliding down the door in defeat.

"That was the single most terrifying brunch I've ever experienced."

It's like he's constantly trying to tick me off. One up me or challenge me.

You frowned and wrapped an arm around your knees, curling into a fetal position at the door jam. What a pathetic sight.

"I could kill him with one arm tied behind my back, and he wouldn't have time to hand me a stupid business card," You grumbled moodily, mocking his posh accent all the while.

And what even was the 'banquet' about?
Why should I attend?
Has this even happened before...who's going to be there? The Rad—Alastor said that Hells biggest and baddest plus Lucifer would attend but I'm not quite sure what that entails.

"I better do some research. Who knows what these demons are capable of." You sighed, standing up and stretching. You needed to know your potential enemies, how much of a threat they were, how many existed...

And where you stood on the food chain.


Short chapter but I split this one in half. It was going to be huge but you guys were going too long without an update so I just split it. It feels wrong to leave the word count under 1000 but oh well.

I'm craving some decently written fanfiction for fandoms that have like three people in them. I'd lie to provide but I have enough on my goddamn plate.
Also, any Invader Zim fans out there? What
(888 Words)

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