Chapter 2 - The Encounter

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5 months later
12:11 pm

You'd learned many things whilst spending your time in Hell. All of which were extremely useful, and almost always disturbing.
So far, you had witnessed about three sex-scandals, four shootouts, one major genocide, and a very large population slice. Of course, most people back on earth were descending further into chaos. It only made sense that Hell would soon grow to be overcrowded.

Currently, you sat in a run-down apartment complex, admiring your new outfit. It was a tailored tux that fit your figure but didn't restrain you too much. It was a solid mahogany color, and came with a silky tailcoat!
You'd also fashioned a cane of sorts from a dead-tree you'd found in the forest on the outskirts of the city.

Meanwhile, you'd figured out even more about the Radio Demon. You were even there for one of his notorious freak-outs where he catastrophically destroyed a very large building.

Bit by bit, you were gaining more intellect on your surroundings. And, you were beginning to change your way of thinking. It wasn't amateur hour, after all.

This was Hell, you lived in. The place where murderers, rapists, and child molesters went.

Smoothing down your hair and giving the smudged mirror a wicked grin, you again examined your fingertips.

That was one thing that hadn't changed, unfortunately. Your mysterious energy seemed to remain hidden and...well, confusing, to say the least.

You hadn't made much progress with that, but, most demons had told you is was the sign of some sort of ability. The tingling sensation most-likely meant that when it emerged and made itself known, it would be big.

You anticipated the day, and you did feel that soon it would come.

For now, you were left to wait.


Walking on the cracked pavement of Hells pathways was something that slipped into the routine as soon as your feet hit the ground.
Nobody could make you out thankfully, as you made sure to wear some sort of cover-up as to not alert the public.

If anyone saw you, a demon that looked so eerily similar to the one that terrorized Hell, discord would arise on the streets.

Immediately weaving comfortably in between the crowds of demons, you focused on your destination of the record-shop. You felt comfortable amongst the agitated demons, all eager to get somewhere before The Radio Demon made an appearance.

What the graffiti you'd first seen hadn't lied; at noon was when he decided to show up, and it usually wasn't pretty.

As you crossed the street with everyone, a blood-curdling scream could be heard from across the wide intersection you'd just went through.

Almost instantly, everyone panicked and fled in whichever direction.

He's here.

A shadow fell upon the nearest building, the shadow of the cruelest and most vial thing you'd seen in your short time at Hell. The inky blackness had a large mouth and two circular non-shadow eyes. It looked exactly as you--or, The Radio Demon--did, but more menacing, what with those wickedly sharp teeth. Obviously.

Somebody shoved you out of their way as they tried to flee the square. Almost every demon knew it was useless, that to be caught in The Radio Demons grip was to face 'death' itself.

Even though we're all already dead.

Cries and screams of fear echoed around, everyone equally terrified of what was to come.
A cackle like no other sounded against the buildings, and then, you saw him.

My Red-Tinted Reflection (Hazbin Hotel) (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora