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How amazing it is to find someone who wants to listen all the things that go around in your head!


Ten days later

I'm late again. I wanted to leave early but the manager just won't let me. Being kind is a pain in the ass sometimes. It's almost 12:30 now.

The lights of the hall are on proving that Jacob is waiting for me and I'm in trouble.

He has fallen asleep on the couch.

I approach him with light careful steps.

"Jacob. Let's go up." I say to him.

He blinks open his eyes. "You're late again." He says in his groggy sleepy voice. He sits up. "Why are you always late on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?"

I shift my gaze. "Just, something comes up." I get up and make my way to the stairs.

He grabs my hand midway. "I want an answer Sierra. Where do you go these three days?" He asks, utmost serious.

I pull my hand back. "You told me you won't ask about my whereabouts." I reply.

"That was before.."

"Jacob please. No interferences."

He sighs. "Okay. I get it. You will never properly open up to me. You will never trust me enough." He storms up.

"Jacob!" I call behind him but he ignores me.

I wish I could tell you Jacob.


Wren is seated in a table for two at the posterior end of the café. When I enter, she lifts her hand up in an awkward wave and tries to give a smile.

For once, she has toned down her makeup and she actually looks much better without it. Natural and real. And she is adorning a smart full sleeved baby pink tshirt with dark blue skinny jeans and sneakers.

She seems like a completely different person now. I can almost see the Wren of high school, the boys talk about so fondly, in her now.

I take the seat opposite to hers. It was certainly a surprise when she called me on a Sunday morning and asked to meet me here. Her voice sounded desperate and vulnerable so I had to come.

"Hi." I say.

"Hey. So.. I've already ordered for both of us. I hope you don't mind." She says.

"It's completely fine." I reply.

An awkward silence falls between us.

"I am not a bad person." She starts, looking down.

"No one is a bad person."

She gives a small smile. "You know I really can't believe people like you exist. I've been so mean to you and yet here you are."

I smile back. "From what I've heard, you used to be pretty much like me back in high school."

Our order arrive. It's some kind of a pie.

Her face falls. "They hate me now." Her eyes fill with water but she blinks her tears back.

"They don't. I can still hear the fondness in their voice when they about your high school days." I tell.

She shakes her head. "My mother's death was hard on me. And the fact that my dad remarried just ten days later didn't exactly help."

I place my hand on her. "I'm so sorry."

"But you made me realise that it doesn't give me the right to be a bitch."

"My parents died too. Both of them. It's never easy for anyone. We cope up in our own ways. I had to shake myself out of it because of my sister. But she is still grieving. I know she is." It suddenly feels good to talk to her. To someone who understands.

"No one ever slapped the reality in my face like you did. And I just wanted to thank you." She takes a bite of her pie.

"I'm glad I won't have to suffer your tantrums anymore." I joke and we both laugh.

I take a bite of my own. And it's good. But the taste gives me a feeling of Deja Vu. My throat is itchy. My stomach feels funny and I am suddenly very uncomfortable.

"What's in this pie?" I ask with my ragged voice. My throat feels swollen.

She arches a brow in confusion. "Walnuts? It's a walnut pie. It's actually very famous here." She answers.

My eyes widen. Oh no. This is not good. I took a big bite.

"Call... Jac.. Jacob..." I croak out before slipping out of my chair and falling on the floor.

Wren is soon by my side. "Sierra? What's happening? Are you..."

Before she can complete, I pass out.


"Where is Sierra by the way?" Noah asks as I pass the ball to him.

I bang the ball hard on the floor. It bounces and goes flying to Liam who catches it before it hits his face. I huff angrily and plop down on the couch.

"Trouble in paradise?" Ethan asks meekly.

I throw a cushion at him full force.

"Go away all of you." I say angrily.

"Hmm, interesting.. why do you think we will listen to you?" Noah replies sarcastically.

"Okay you need to tell us what's going on angry lover boy." Says Liam.

I give him a death glare. He raises his hands up in surrender.

"How will I know where she is!? She never tells me. And she always comes home after midnight on Monday, Wednesday and Friday." I let out my anger.

"The girl has got a life Jacob. You keep on forgetting that she's just in college." Ethan says wisely. Well that's Ethan, always saying the right thing.

"She is engaged to me." I say.

They scoff. "It's just a contract. You love her but you don't want to confess. And you don't want her to see anyone else. This is not how things work Jacob." Liam supports Ethan. "She is a young beautiful girl who for sure catches the eye of many."

"I do not love her. I just want her for keeps. She is reliable and cares for me and I do too. Is it not enough?"

"Are you even listening to yourself? Jacob you cannot do this to her. Either let her go or keep her properly." Noah adds.

"But..." Before I can complete, my phone starts ringing. "It's Wren." I tell them.

"Answer it. Or she'll come here and eat our heads." Noah says.

I pick it up.

"Jacob.. it's Sierra.." Wren's panicky voice comes from the other end.

I immediately turn serious. "What about her?"

"She.. she's in the hospital right now. She's critical. Her allergy got really bad and..."

The phone slips out of my hand before she can complete. All the colour fades from my face.

"What's wrong?" Ethan asks.

"Sierra is in the hospital. She's critical."

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