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The midday sun slips behind the mountains,
The yellow river runs for the sea,
Trying to see for a thousands miles,
I climb one more story.

Two weeks later

"Mr. Woods!!" Sierra shouts in my ear.

I groan and roll over. I am familiar with what comes next.

She hops onto my bed and starts jumping up and down like a three year old. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." She rings like an alarm. She has been my alarm for past two weeks. I have reduced the house staff thanks to her.

She does the gardening, cooking, her own laundry, makes her own bed and makes me make mine, cleans her dishes and makes me clean mine and wakes me up.

I sit up. "I'm up. I'm up. Please stop." I cover my ears to block her irritating chant.

She quietens down. "Guess what?" She asks excitedly. The sparkle in her eyes is so attractive. I never thought someone like her would be my type.

I thought I would always go for tall, blond, blue eyed girls.

"What?" I reply, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"We are going for a picnic today. All five of us." She tells joyously.

"I don't like this idea. Picnic means bugs and grass both of which are super uncomfortable. And what's the point? We can eat in the lawn instead." I disagree.

But I know it's of no use. She'll convince me somehow. She pokes my arm. "Please." She says in her overly cute voice. She pokes again. "Please." Again that cute voice. She then tilts her face gives me her signature slight pout. "Plleeeaaassseeee." She sings.

I raise my hands up in surrender. "Okay. Okay. You win. As always."

"Yay!" She squeals. "Now go. Go get ready. Quick." She starts pushing me off the bed.

I lose my balance and fall down but not before grabbing Sierra's arm. She falls on top of me.

Her beautiful hairs cascades down her left shoulder, the ends touching my chest. She blinks her big eyes in surprise.

I notice little details of her face that I didn't before. The ant sized birthmark on the top of her forehead. Slight shadows underneath her eyes probably caused by sleepless nights. Sharp brows. Pink plump lips.

She is so damn beautiful.

"You are beautiful." I say as I push a stray strand of hairs behind her ear.

"What?" She asks, startled. Then she shakes her head and gets off me. I sit up too. "Are you hurt? I'm so sorry."

I rub the back of my head. "A little." A lot actually.

She walks behind me. "Stay still." She orders. The she starts pressing my head with extraordinarily pressure. And it works like miracle. "My dad used to do this whenever I used to bump my head somewhere. I was a clumsy child." She tells. After a while, she stops.

She smiles and starts to leave when I hold her wrist. "Thank you."

She smiles again. Why does she have to smile so often? It stirs something unfamiliar inside of me. "No problem. Now you go get ready."

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