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To me, sexy is not about the body. It's about a woman full of confidence.

Two days later

I dump the third pail of water in the drum and start filling the bucket again. It's soo tiring. Water supply is being cut today. In this heat, my babies won't be able to bear it.

When the bucket is full again, I lift it up and carry it to the drum. My arms hurt and I have to stop midway.

The windchime rings when the door of the shop opens. Before I know it, the person takes the bucket from my hand and dumps the water in the drum like it weighed nothing with just one hand.

In his other is the same file I saw two days ago.

"You shouldn't be doing this kind of labour." It's Jacob.

I don't answer cause I'm way too stunned.

He rolls up his shirt sleeves and puts the bucket under the tap again.

"What are doing here?" I ask.

His blue eyes crinkles and one corner of his lips turn up in a semblance of a smirk. "That simple line seems way too hostile coming from you."

Was it? "I'm sorry if you felt so. But the agreement you wanted me to sign two days back was outrageous. How can even suggest something like that?"

He seats himself on the loveseat. "I'm a businessman Sierra. I believe in give and take." I arch an eyebrow, not understanding where he is going with all this. He sighs. "Let's make a deal."

"What kind of deal?" I fold my arms over my chest to look somewhat powerful in front of him.

"Give and take. You sign the agreement and in return.."

"Not happening." I cut him.

".. I pay your sister's college tuition fees." He completes his statement.

I gasp. Sina's tuition. But wait.. how does he know I'm struggle with that?

"How do you know? How do know how desperate I am for it?" I question.

"I did a little background check. Being an orphan is nothing to be ashamed of." He says casually.

My eyes fill with water. No one has brought that up in years. "You're a jerk." I wipe a tear drop that fell down on my face.

I snatch the file from his hands, take a pen and sign it without reading a single thing. All the while, wiping the river running down my face.

When I'm done, I slam the file on his chest. He takes it, stunned. He shifts his eyes away from mine. He should be ashamed.

Then he grabs my hand and pushes a beautiful ring on my ring finger. A shiver runs down my spine. It shouldn't but it does. And I hate myself for it.

Screeching birthday whistles rings in my ear. Liam, Noah and Ethan all barge inside the shop. But on seeing both of our expressions, they stop immediately.

"Congratulations?" Liam tries to cut the tension in the air.

I put on a fake smile. What's between us shouldn't be something they should worry about. "Thank you very much." I say.

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