"Yo también"
(Me too)
And then leaned to give me a kiss on the cheek, while I was closing my eyes and hoping not to cry out of happiness.

"Why don't you join the group hug, honey?"

Dan was looking at my direction and I loved it when he didn't wear his glasses, it took out the real beauty in him. He extended his hand and I took it, with our intertwined hands he pulled me down so I was on his lap while our little boy was on Dan's other side, he then pulled Jason and I closer to him and placed a big kiss on each of our temples then whispered, "I love you both", I felt his hand traveling to my already grown baby bump and started rubbing it while saying "I love you too future baby"

I couldn't hold it anymore and gave Dan a kiss, while my hand was on his cheek, it wasn't an intense or hardcore kiss, it was romantic and full of love.

This was how my day went by...

Except, sometimes we go out together for ice cream or to the park since Jason really loved soccer and whenever we took him there his neighborhood friends would invite him to play and they would spend hours playing. However, I didn't mind since I got to spend it with my wonderful husband.


It didn't feel odd to say it anymore, I've grown used to it and I actually love being able to walk around with Dan and our son and being a happy family, It was my favorite part out of all of it.

We were in the uber heading towards our favorite Ice cream shop, it has been our favorite since Dan took me here right after our wedding to spend a relaxing time after a big night, and it definitely helped me experience new fun things with my now- husband.

As I was watching everything through the window while enjoying the tune playing on the radio, "Best Part" by Daniel Caesar featuring H.E.R, I felt cold fingers trying to make their way up my knee until they rested on my thigh, it sent me shivers that I actually gasped of how unusual this sensation was.

Dan was looking straight on the road but his hand was still on my thigh

"Well hello Mr. Silverstone but do you mind?" I told him playfully while gesturing to his hand resting flatly on my thigh, he just looked at me and said nothing


I laughed, sometimes he's so earnest

"Can't I touch my wife?" He asked me acting all smart with me, "Now, my question for you is, do YOU mind?" He stared at me intently while not making any single move waiting for my answer

"No" I said while folding my arms, then turning back to watching the houses as we go by. However, I couldn't hide the smirk that was forming in my face.


"Mommy!" "Look, look!" "A PUPPY!"

Jason ran away from me to pet the German Shepherd dog who sat in the corner of the chair, it's owner was reading a newspaper and sipping on her coffee when she spotted Jason Levi running towards the animal

Jason arrived so fast that the dog got startled and in a swift movement got on all fours and started growling, Jason got scared and hid behind me, the woman sent us a soft smile and started patting the dog, I guess her trick worked because in a matter of few seconds the dog was lying down while sticking its tongue out

Jason rose from behind me and with a smile asked the lady, "can I pet him?"

She smiled and nodded, gesturing him to go ahead and pet his head

"Be careful baby" I told him

He looked so giddy and ecstatic, I was enjoying him look so happy until Dan came out of nowhere with two ice cream cones on one hand and his cane on the other, I ran over to him and took both ice cream cones which were already melting a little bit from today's heat

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