Chapter 44 "Kiss"

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Kenneth's POV

I saw Alexandra rushing away from my room.

What is happening? She looks really shocked.

To find out, I went inside my room.

"K-Kenneth... You're back already?" Hector said.

"Why are you... naked...?" I asked.


I hurriedly come out from my room.

Sigh... I need to find Alexandra...


Hector's POV

"Hurry up and get dressed!" Kenneth yelled at me. He hurriedly came out from this room after.

Why is he angry?

What is wrong with people today? Coming to a room without knocking? This is unexceptional!

"I just took a bath in Kenneth's bathroom and was going to get dressed here." I said while pouting.


I scrambled my hair in frustration.


There's a girl who saw me naked!

What should I do? What face should I give her when we meet again?


That girl-

Why do they have the same expression?

Why do they have the same laugh?

Why do they have the same attitude?

And a little bit the same taste and determination?

I was observing her since the first time we meet...

I was always trying to get close to her when it is possible.


But now-

What face should I give her if we meet again?

I'm too embarrassed.


Why do I imagine her as someone else? Could it be she's her?

It's impossible.

No... She's dead.

"What are you still doing there? Get moving, Hector!" –Max.

I immediately get moving.


Alexandra's POV

Forget all of those things, Alex...

Forget it...

"Anne...? What is going on?" I asked when I noticed that everyone was in a hurry.

"Mrs. Tessie said that we should get ready for it. All of us are moving to the Mystic Palace as soon as possible." She answered.


"Yeah... I have to go... There are a lot of potions I should prepare." She said.

"Oh... Okay..." I said and let her go.

Gosh... Everyone is really in a hurry today.

Why didn't I know that we are moving to the Mystic Palace?

Mystic HomeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon