Chapter 41 "Troubles"

Start from the beginning

"Yes, like that one." –Anne. "Faith has it already... She received it this morning. She said there are so many processes before getting it."

"The mansion is giving us emblems...?" I asked.

"Yeah... You don't know it? I thought you knew it, Alex... I only listed Jamaicah." –Anne.

"That's okay... I can list myself there later." I said.


Zane's POV

I was shocked and fell from the bed after I woke up and realize someone sleeping beside me on the bed.

Why- where did he come from?

I immediately stand up and tried to figure out who this is.

After that, I hurried ran away- away from my room.


Jamaicah's POV

There are only me and Keith inside my room. Alexandra and Anne went to the library to write Alexandra's name on the list. She was really excited about getting one.

"I heard about it from our room but I did not believe it is true until now." –Keith.

"So, what is the emblem for?"

"Emblems are used to allow us to enter the Mystic Palace." –Keith.

"The Mystic Palace...?" I asked with curiosity.

"The Mystic Palace... There's only one palace on the Mystic World built by our deities." She answered. "But there are also lots of other palaces on the Mystic World and those are not the palace made by our deities. Those palaces are made by enchanters that wanted to make their own kingdom. Those desires are forbidden for us to make but if we follow those desire, we will be punished and suffer forever." She added.

"It's a pity for those enchanters that will suffer forever." I said.

"I do too... They just don't know or doesn't believe the deities existence. That is why they have a strong grip for worldly pressures and be happy until they die. They just don't know that our souls cannot die. Yes may face death, our bodies will die and turn into dust but our souls cannot die. If they did the forbidden stuff until their bodies are gone then their souls will face the forever punishments." She said.

I was kind of scared when she said that.

I don't want my soul to face the forever punishments.

"May I know what the forbidden things that I mustn't do are? I don't want my soul to face the forever punishment in the future." I said.

"Those forbidden things are for us- enchanters only. You're a human and we don't know what forbidden things that you humans mustn't do. We both have different deities." She said.

"We are...? The humans have deities too?" I said.

"Of course... Where your soul did came from if your deities did not exist." She said.

"How do we know that we came from the deities even if we didn't see one?" I asked. Maybe I don't have a deity.

"Well, you have feelings. You love, hate, and also feels conscience about doing a certain thing. And also you know whether your deeds are ring or wrong. Your soul is special... Everyone is special..." She said.

"I'm scared... I might have done some things that are forbidden." I said.

"Maybe but- You can always repent as long as you are still alive." She said. "And besides, most forbidden things are killing others, hating others, and being so selfish." She added.

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