Chapter 41 "Troubles"

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Alexandra's POV

"I have no schedule of training today that is why I was allowed to come with my father" I said to the Jamaicah.

"That's lucky... But why didn't you have training schedule today?" She asked.

"That's because Nicholas, my trainer have other schedules today." I said.

Jamaicah and I finally got to her room.

We got to arrive at the mansion after a couple of hours of travel.

"How was the day yesterday in the mansion without me?" She asked.

"Hmm... I don't know... It is quite different when you are not here?" I said. "How was your experience outside? I heard from Keith that it is your first time to be there." I asked.

"It was fun... and scary sometimes... Some humans are bad but there are still good humans existed." She said.

"Why is that? What happened? Did someone wrong you?" I asked.

I felt a little concern about this.

I've been encountering awful people plenty of times.

They bully me until they are satisfied. They don't have hearts for others but only for themselves.


Zane's POV

After the smooth travel, I took all my things and walked to my room.

The basket I brought got heavier or maybe I just got weaker. Never mind... I want to get some rest after this long trip.

I dropped put the basket to the floor and jumped to my bed to sleep.

Now, I can get some rest.

I closed my eyes.


Alexandra's POV

"Jamaicah...!" Keith scream as her came into the room.

"You scared us..." I said and laughed.

"Nah... Jamaicah, how are you?" –Keith.

"We were just talking about her adventure outside this mansion." I said.

"Yeah... It was fun there. You two should have come with us." –Jamaicah.

"Chitchatting without me? How rude-" Keith said while pouting.

"He-he... I was going to tell you about it that time." –Jamaicah.

"But you still didn't... You didn't told me that you were given a mission." –Keith.

"Oops... I really forgot about it." –Jamaicah.

"But it's okay." –Keith.

"Next time, if there's a next time, I'll tell you about it first." –Jamaicah.

"Lock your words." I said.


We turn our attention to someone at the door.

It's Anne.

"Come in, Anne." –Jamaicah.

"I heard we are going to have our own emblems. But I don't know what it is for." She said. "I already wrote your name to the list, Jamaicah."

"What's an emblem?" –Jamaicah.

"An emblem like this one...?" –Keith. She showed her emblem.

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