Chapter 40 "Friends"

Start from the beginning


I immediately turn around to Keith's direction.

"You're awake?" I asked.

Since when did she wake up? Did she saw my every action today?

"Good morning!" She said.

"Is that why-" Kenneth said.

No! That is not what you think! Did he think that I like him? But I do not!

"No-" I started.

"Kenneth, why don't we cut your hair just like before? It really looks good on you." –Keith.


What does he look like with a representable hair style?


Jamaicah's POV

"Wake up..."

"Wake up, Jamaicah..."


"Jamaicah, wake up..."

I heard too many voices so I rise from the bed and sat.

"What...?" I asked. I'm sleepy...


Zane's POV

It is morning and we all are already packed up to leave the town.

Most of us were sad but Pauline and Xylene that are with us are excited to leave the town and return to the mansion. Lucky for them...

Paul gave me two loafs of bread. This is all we have for breakfast... No one really prepared our breakfast because they were all busy packing up. Janette even collected different kinds of pebbles from this town. She collected it for memories. Most of us think it is wired but she still keeps on collecting them.

I immediately went outside the house to breathe for fresh air.

This is the human world... No magic, no spells... This simple and ordinary life...

I scanned the entire place until I saw a wandering kid on the street. My eyes followed to that kid until that the kid sat to the ground.

I look at my loaf of bread and thought I should give it to the kid. From what I see in him, I think he is hungry.

I quickly went to the kid and gave him my bread. He must be very hungry because he immediately took the bread and ate it.


I was shocked when the kid unexpectedly called daddy and hugged me after he finished his bread.

"I'm not your daddy..." I claimed and tried to pull him away.

"You're my daddy because you don't have hair. My daddy doesn't have hair. You are my daddy." He said and hugged me again. "Daddy..." He said and laughed.

I tried to pull away the kid from me again.

Is this kid insulting me and my deserted head?! I don't care if I don't have hair on my head! I'm still handsome!

I heard the two old ladies nearby laughed at us.

"That guy is so cute. Only he doesn't have his hair."

"Come on, we don't want to be late." Lady in jeans said to the other.

"Let's go. I can't wait for our first date." The lady in her dress replied.

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