Chapter 40 "Friends"

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Jamaicah's POV

I stood up and scanned my surroundings.

What should I do? Everyone is still asleep...

I woke up too early that even the sun is still slumbering.

I wanted to go back to sleep but I'm not sleepy anymore.

Hmm. Should I wake them up?


Alexandra's POV

What's that loud noise?

I rise from the bed and notice Keith's snoring.

Eh? Did she found her book already? What time did she sleep?

She must be so tired that is why she's snoring while sleeping.

The morning is not rising yet so it is still dark outside.

I turn my head and went to Kenneth's.

Keith's snore is too loud that it disturbed me. But did she disturb him too.

I climb off the bed and went to him to know if he's awake.

I waved my hands and snapped my finger.

He's sleeping...

I felt conscience about disturbing him last night that he even gave us his bed for us to sleep in.

I grabbed Kenneth's blanket and moved it upwards to cover his chest.

There, it's done...

His hair is too long. Why wouldn't he cut it?

I went to move Kenneth's hair from his face.

He is handsome alright but-


Even if his room is tidy and clean, he still is foolish to never to remodeling his hair and pulling his beard to look great and presentable.

This poor handsome face... It can't be known by everyone if the owner keeps on hiding it.

I surprisedly stepped back as I saw Kenneth's eyes went open. His gray eyes...

Kenneth immediately rise from the bed and sat while looking at me.

He saw me at this hour standing in front of him, looking at his face... What will he think about this? What will he think about me?

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I- I-" I started. "I was just-"

What should I say? Why is my heart beating fast?

What should I say? Should I say that- what?

I was just looking at his face? No! He would think that I like him. Yeah! I can't tell him that.

Or maybe I should say that I was standing before him because I was just finding out if he is wake or not...

Yeah. That's it!

But why-


No! He would ask me why!

"You're...?" He asked.

Why did I end up at this point?

I woke up because of Keith's snore. I turn around if his awake too...

Ah right-

That's it!

"I was-"

"She's just looking at your face, Kenneth." –Keith.

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