Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"

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Jamaicah's POV

The door of a small house opened after Mrs. Telin knocked three times.

"Pauline... it's been a while..." Mrs. Telin said after a person came out from the door.

"It's you! How are you? How's your daughter? What brings you here? And who's these little kids? Come in, come in." She said.

"I'm fine... And my daughter is feeling better now thanks to Zane." Mrs. Telin said and presented Zane to her friend.

Then there's something rang from Mrs. Telin's pocket.

Mrs. Telin immediately took an object from her pocket and pokes something to it. The object of hers is just like our phone but it was stolen by the masked thieves.

"She's the enchanter that we are looking for. Her name is Pauline according to the list." Anne whispered into my ear. I just nodded to her.

"I'm so sorry but I need to receive this call. Excuse me for a bit." –Mrs. Telin. She immediately walks away from us.

"So, what brings you here?" Pauline said unto us.

"Pauline, I need to go. The boss is looking for me. Chat you some other time..." Mrs. Telin said. "Kids, be good to your aunt. Bye..." She said and waved goodbye. She hurriedly went into the car then drives away.

"Bye, Mrs. Telin..." I said.

"Take care." –Anne.

"So, what's news is there for me today from the councilor?" –Pauline.

"You knew why we are here?" –Janette.

"Of course... I feel something like you came from the mansion and I won't deny for it." –Pauline. "I even did not tell my friend that I am not your aunt."

We slightly laughed.

"About that- we are sorry." –Zane.

"It's okay. You are just doing your mission. So, what's the good news is there for me?" –Pauline.

"About it-"Zane started.

"Let's come inside first and take our seats." –Pauline.

We all went inside Pauline's house.


Alexandra's POV

I immediately move away to avoid myself from getting distractions that comes from him.

What is he doing? He shouldn't do that... I am a girl! Is he seducing me?

I felt me body heated and my face turned red.

"Concentrate, Alex." –Nicholas. I felt that he is smirking.

How can I concentrate when we almost got kissed?

How can I concentrate when he grabbed my waist every time I slip from the floor?

How can I concentrate when there's someone with him behind those eyes?

Help me...! I don't what this feeling- nervous.

We are just training but it looks like the atmosphere is different.

"You are covered with sweat and your lips turned pail. Are you alright?" –Nicholas.

I immediately moved away from him.

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