Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"

Start from the beginning

Alexandra's POV

"You're welcome. I'm just glad that I can help." I said while closing the door.

"Where are you going after?" He asked.

"To the training room... I bit Nicholas is now waiting for me there." I said.

"Kenneth...!" -Beth...


"Beth..." I said.

"Hello there, Alexandra." She said.

"What are you doing here?" -Kenneth.


Jamaicah's POV

"Well, you have to rent somewhere to stay before it is too late but for the meantime, you can stay here for a while. The generation today is a big different from the past." –Mrs. Telin.

"Yes, we will..." –Paul.

Then suddenly, we heard a loud noise coming from one of their room.

"That must be my daughter. I'll go check on her." –Mrs. Telin.

"Okay..." We said.

Mrs. Telin left and went to a room.

I wonder what that sound is.

"It sounds like there's something got broke." –Janette.


Alexandra's POV

"I was looking everywhere for you..." Beth said and walked towards us. "What are you two doing here?" She asked.

Kenneth did not reply so Beth looked to my direction.

"He just walked by and I was just going to the training room." I lied to Beth.

I don't know what relationship between them but still I don't what her to think of awful things about us.

"She dragged me to her room." Kenneth suddenly spoke.

Beth and I were shocked to hear that from Kenneth's mouth. I was shocked because of the words that Kenneth used. And I think Beth was shocked of thinking about it.

"It's not like that... I just aid his scars. That's all..." I said.

"Oh... I see... Kenneth and I are going back to the Mystic World to find more clues. If you found something suspicious, you can tell us right away... Okay?" She said.

"I will..." I said and smiled.

"Let's go, Kenneth." Beth said to Kenneth.

"We have to go..." Kenneth said.

"Take care..." I said.

Kenneth immediately gestured to whisper. "Don't lie again like that. We didn't do anything wrong." He whispered into my ear.

He let out the goose bumps from inside me. And I just realized... Why did I just lie to Beth? It is not like Kenneth and I did anything wrong. Oh. Forget it.

Kenneth and Beth walked away.

Those two... Are they couples?


Jamaicah's POV

"Sorry, mom..."

"Be careful next time..."

We overhear Mrs. Telin's conversation with a kid. I guess that's her daughter.

I went to follow Mrs. Telin to the room. I just want to find out what they are doing.

Before I can open the door, Mrs. Telin came out from the room. I saw her carrying a plastic bag with broken vase in it.

"What's going on?" I asked.

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