People:"dude shut the fuck up, your voice is so piercing. Ethan shut her up"

Grayson and I chuckled

Annie:"I don't care, fight me!"

Me:"are you new here"

Annie:"yeah" she said with attitude

I laughed

Me:"ok, I'm letting you off the hook, consider this a warning sign"


Me:"don't say I didn't warn you"

With that, I grabbed both of her wrists and slam them into together and twisted them lightly. She looked scared at me and begged me to stop.

Annie:"please stop I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry" she cried

Trust me, I'm actually a really nice person but when someone messes with me, bitch you better believe I'm coming after you.

I went to my locker and headed to biology, unfortunately none of my friends are in that class, only Ethan.

Teacher:"ok class today we're going to be in partners for a project about being sexually active"

Trevor:"can we pick our partners"

Teacher:"I will be assigning your partners and it will be the opposite sex"

The class groaned

Teacher:"your partners will be in alphabetical order"

Me:"fuck" I mumbled

Every girl wanted to be with Ethan and every guy wanted to be with me.

Teacher:"adacio with alphine
Ancline with Belton
Blanton with baleroni
Bylance with balenia
Colton with Celina
Chamberlain with Dolan

Ethan:"wooo peace out mothafuckas" he yelled as he grabbed my hand and ran out of the classroom.

Me:"what the hell are you doing!!"

Ethan:"starting on the project right" he said as he carried me to the janitors room by the waist.

Me:"stop" I yelled

Ethan:"I want an A on this" he said as he kissed my neck leaving hickeys.

I tried my best to move but he held my arms down tightly above my head.

(I hope this doesn't offend anyone about this topic. Trust me I know rape/assault is a very serious and sensitive subject for some people)

He was leaving wet spots everywhere. He even tried to take my top off with his teeth but he couldn't with the tube top. He left wet mark all across my chest and cleavage. Luckily, he didn't pull down my top.

Once I got once arm free I slapped his face as hard as I can.


I left him in the room and went back to the classroom. Everyone stared at me and went back to work.

Me:"may I be excused"

Teacher:"for what"

Me:"it's personal"

The teacher nodded and I got the hell out of there.

As I got out of there, I saw Ethan in front of my locker.

I rolled my eyes and walked by him making sure I bumped into his shoulder.

I walked into the bathroom to examine the fresh hickeys. I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind. I turned around and saw the devil himself, ethan. I pushed his arms off. And walk out.

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