5- You Knew ..

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Derrick Brown


I laid down with my arms crossed watching Family Fued.

"Tell me something that people only do once a month" Steve said.

"Go they ass to church" I mumbled.

"They gone go to Church Steve" The black man said and I smiled.

"Told ya" I said.

I heard my doorbell causing me and Bri to look at each other.

"It bet not be this nigga" I said fake laughing.

I looked through the peep hole and saw Dre and Derrick.

How the fuck they know where I stay?

I opened it and they smiled and I rolled my eyes.

I opened the door wider to let them in and they sat on the couch.

"Where my nephew?" Dre said and I put my hand on my hip.

"Sleep" I mumbled then sat down.

"You sound mad, why you mad baby" Derrick said and I chuckled.

I had to learn that Derrick calls everybody baby so I just let it slide.

"Ain nobody mad... i'm straight" I said and he gave me a look thinking I was lying.

"No fa real i'm straight, I'm not finna sit around and be sad. I got so much life to live" I said.

"When you opening up Kyche?" Derrick asked me and I shrugged.

"Soon" I said then Bri walked in the room.

"Heyyy friend" Dre said as she walked in the room.

"Wassup" Bri said then sat on the couch.

"Yosohn in yo room?" Dre asked me and I shook my head no.

"His room right across from mine" I said then he dipped.

As the rest of us were talking and laughing I heard Dre loud ass talking.

"Look at yo baby! Him so cute" He said and I rolled my eyes.

He came back in the room with a woke Yosohn and Ace on the phone.

"Nigga y'all some clowns" Ace said with a laugh.

"How, cause we came to see our favorites?" Derrick said and I smirked.

"Oh, Destini said we going out to eat for her birthday so don't be late" Bri said reading a text message.

"When and where?" I said.

"Grand Lucks at 7" She said and I nodded.

6:00 pm

I got out of the shower then went to go check on Yosohn since I left him surrounded by pillows.

"You hungry papa?" I said and he whined a lul bit.

"Mommies about to feed you hollon" I said then dried off and put on some lotion & a VS bra and panty.

I grabbed a bottle from the fridge then fed Yosohn while I got on my phone.

I read my text messages cause they were doing numbers.

Family gc.

Destini💙: dinner starts AT SEVEN don't be late
Mama #1 💕: girl ain't nobody finna miss yo damn dinner..
Dad🧡: you want money or a gift?
Destini💙: run me moneyyyy 😝

Ariana : 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora