Certain Mess

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"Hey! Move your stupid car!" Gemini shouted as she was trying to get her car out of the parking spot but sadly couldn't since a certain Pisces didn't want to move his own car.

"My car is not stupid. It's smarter than yours Gemini." Pisces said and Gemini glared at the male who was watching her. He was standing on the grass with Scorpio who was also watching Gemini try to get out.

"Just move your car Pisces. I'm sick of Gemini's voice" Capricorn said as he joined the two males.

"Capricorn be quiet" Gemini said and then looked back at the blue eyed male.

"Pisces...please" Gemini said and he groaned

"Give me the damn keys" Capricorn said to Pisces.

Pisces gave cap the keys who easily got into the car and moved it for Gemini.

"Thank you Capricorn!" Gemini said loudly out her window as she pulled out of her parking spot.

"I'll be back! Bye!" Gemini said as Capricorn got out of Pisces car. Pisces and Scorpio both watched as Gemini's car slowly disappeared further into the street.

"What a pain in the ass" Capricorn said and Pisces chuckled

"She's lucky she's our friend" the blue eyed male said and the duo nodded. They all walked back inside their house for the summer only to see Leo with flour all over him.

"Ahh! You're back?!" Leo said surprised to see the trio who were outside for an hour. Scorpio eyed the dirty blonde male and slowly made his way to the kitchen leaving the other two with Leo.

As he made his way to the kitchen his eyes widened seeing his two of his friends covered in flour as well but not as bad as Leo. He guessed they tried to bake.

But the thought of him having to clean the kitchen up was the thing that he was bothered by.

"What happened here?" Scorpio asked and the two females jumped at his deep voice.

"Scorpio! Don't scare me like that" libra said with white spots on her clothes and hair.

"We tried to make cookies but...we didn't really read the directions right" Libra said sounding guilty. There was no point in lying since she was talking to Scorpio and the kitchen was big proof they messed up.

Scorpios eyes then scanned to the girl who was picking up the bag of flour which fell on the floor.

"Cancer?" Scorpio said and the dark haired girl looked up and quickly gulped

"Uh...Scorpio Hey..." She said and he sighed as he looked at her guilty expression.

"I'll get Aquarius to help you clean yourself up. You and libra go somewhere else. I'll clean the kitchen" Scorpio said as he grabbed the broom.

"No scorpio, let us clean it." Cancer said taking the broom from his hands

"Yeah! Ever since we moved in here you were always the one cleaning up after everyone. Let us clean for once" Libra said with a smile and Scorpio shook his head

"I'm the one cleaning because none of you know how to do it right." Scorpio said and Libra and cancer looked at each other

"You two get cleaned up." Scorpio said and grabbed the broom from cancer and began sweeping the floor.

"Well....okay Scorpio..." cancer said and the two females left the kitchen leaving the curly headed male in bothersome.



"Language missy" Aries said to the light brown haired girl who was ready to attack anyone or anything that came her way.

"Aries if you don't get your behind off the swing we are going to have a big problem" Sagittarius said to him crossing her arms

"I've only been on here for 5 minutes!" Aries said

"More like 5 hours!!" Sagittarius said glaring at him. If we are honest it's actually been about 15 minutes. But this was a Sagittarius problem...she was very impatient

The two friends decided if was a good idea to go to the park only to find out there was only one available swing...why? I don't know

"Whatever sagi" Aries said and jumped off the swing to allow his impatient friend take her turn. She happily jumped and began making her way to the swing

"So sagi, what's on your mind?" Aries asked

"Well actually it's beating your ass" Sagittarius said and Aries smirked

"Wow so harsh. Sorry to break it to you but I'm so thick that-"

"Don't even start" Sagittarius said to him with an eye roll

"Fine Fine. But anyways I need your advice on something" Aries said and sat down beside sagi who was slowly swaying on the swing

"Well What is it?" Sagi said looking down at the male in the ground

"Say that you have a crush on a certain someone. Now this person is very....unique and hard to know unless they tell. How the hell are you suppose to confess to them when they seem like they don't like anybody in the way and just focuses on important stuff. Not wanting to waste time on a relationship but you want to waste your time with that person in a good way you know?" Aries said and Sagittarius chuckled lightly

"Oh Aries....I expect you to come to Cancer for this type of stuff. You know she's great at giving advice" sagi said and Aries sighed

"Yeah but she's not with me" Aries said and sagi looked down at him

"You must really like this person if you're not confident. You always are so confident huh. Well Aries if you truly like this special someone go ahead tell them. If they say no then fuck them. They just lost someone who's willing to care for them and love them every second of every day." Sagittarius said and Aries smiled.

"So Who is this certain person?" Sagittarius asked

"That is classified information" Aries said and Sagittarius pouted

"Does cancer know?"

"Of course"

"So by chance....do you know who Cancer likes?"

"Hmp. You'll be surprised"

"Really? Why?"

"Because I was. At the same time if they don't end of together I won't be surprised. If they do I won't be surprised."


"Well that's Cancer for you."

"Heh our friends are something else aren't they?"

"They sure are Sagittarius"

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