(Here's what they look like if you didn't know. Yes I'm aware it's the titanfall one model but it's all I could find)

 Yes I'm aware it's the titanfall one model but it's all I could find)

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I had no idea what was going on so I asked how was our situation.

random grunt: We have no idea where we are. Carter, scan the area and find out where the drop zone is and how close we are to it. Carter: Scanning... (Scans area with some kind of map device idk) Holy Shit we are way off target! About 55 clicks. random grunt: You heard him people let's get moving! We're not getting there by standing around!

We start heading towards the drop zone because the anti-orbital defenses fucked up our drop path. All of a sudden, I hear a familiar voice in my private comms.

Lastimosa: (Y/N) I got a fix on your location. Hold on son I'm coming.                                                     

I breathe a sigh of relief knowing Dad would soon be here and get us out of this hell hole. We were getting close to where he was but all of a sudden an enemy titan drops on us.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp-w0Szt9oc (watch from 3:01 to 4:41 that's basically what happens after the tian drops)

3rd person POV

(Y/N) woke up with a splitting headache and when he gets his surroundings, he realizes he's about to be eaten by 2 prowlers, common wildlife on Typhon

(Like this but in a more foresty-rocky environment like in the video but's that's in broad daylight next to a small river)

As the 2 prowlers are fighting over you you see BT not too far off get off the ground shoot at the prowlers, scaring them off

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As the 2 prowlers are fighting over you you see BT not too far off get off the ground shoot at the prowlers, scaring them off. Bt tries to get up but falls to the ground, low on power and suddenly Lastimosa comes out of the cockpit, coughing and groaning in pain. (Y/N) walks up to his father to assist him but his father opens his helmet to show his face without taking it off.

Lastimosa: BT, tansfer authorization to new pilot. Link Bravo *cough cough* Tango 7274.

He then grabs (Y/N) by the collar and pulls him close.

Lastimosa weakly: (Y/N), take my titan, use my helmet and my jumpkit. This is the real thing. Take care of him...

Captain Tai lastimosa passes away...

(Y/N) is in tears at this point of losing his father. He takes his father's equipment and buries him, and begins finding new batteries for his new Titan, BT-7274.

*Timeskip to final level*

(Y/n) and BT find themselves at the fold weapon, trying to find away to stop it and save Harmony. BT had a plan to destroy the fold weapon, however it would cost him his life due to the weapon's unstable energy because it was about to fire. He knew this however but decided to do it anyway, because it's in his protocols to uphold the mission. He climbed into the weapon with (Y/n)'s help in his cockpit controlling him and waits for them to be catapulted towards the fold weapon's power source: The Ark.

(Y/n): Don't worry BT, whatever happens, I'm not leaving. BT: Copy that, pilot.

The duo suddenly gets launched into the weapon and BT takes his pilot out of his cockpit, ready to throw him to  safety.

(Y/n): BT what are you doing? BT: Trust me.

BT suddennly throws him away from the incoming explosion of space-time ripping apart, but unbeknownst to BT, (Y/n) shoots his grappling hook onto BT's body, engulfing him in the blast too. They both expected to die, but little did neither of them know however, was that both of their lives were about to change completely...

Titanfall male reader x fem! creepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now