Will Always Be There For You (Extended Edition)

Start from the beginning

Nicole: B-But-

???: No buts, get him out of the tub.

Then, Y/n got out of the tub as Nicole walks out of the bathroom. The figure kneels down, he has a beard that the homeless kid admires. He is bald, in his left hand was a hat.

???: I am Nicole's father, I know this is rather... inconsiderate, but Nicole always wanted a brother. Plus, she doesn't bring back kids for reason. For whatever reason, she saved you. So, would you like to be part of our family?

An female is walking at an isolated night, she was holding something. She cried as she turns a corner. She looks for a place, she find a box in perfect shape. She places that something into the box, she unwraps it to see a baby sleeping. She takes her hood off to have black hair with bright amber eyes.

???: I'm sorry, Son. I-I have to do this... I'll always love you.

She carefully places a collar around his neck, she carefully tighten it and leave it looking like it is big on him. She kisses him on the forehead, then slowly roses up and walks away. Then, she hears crying. Her hand clenches as she suddenly turns around and rush towards the baby. She hugs him as his cries die down.

Two years later, Y/n and Nicole was inside having a snack. Y/n was more leaner, with more hair growth, his hair is long enough to be in a ponytail. Y/n is eight and Nicole is nine; Y/n went upstairs to use the bathroom, but he heard his adopted father talking.

Father: Five hundred grand? That won't be enough, just kill them..... the huntstress? Well what about her!?.... You kidding me! Team STAK? No? Oh!... Her, just kill her and leave her on some cliff... I don't care!... No! The difference between a dead huntstress and an alive huntstress: is that one will shut up and the other won't!

Y/n: D-Dad...

He looks over to Y/n.

Father: Be right back.

He hung up, then face towards Y/n.

Father: Yes.

Y/n: K-Killing is wrong...

The Father sighs.

Father: Y/n, you are too young to understand the vast reality of this world. Sometimes people need to do it out of... vengeance, anger, and more. But, yes, you're right. Killing is bad. It's wrong.

Y/n: W-Why you're doing it t-then?

Father: There are people out there that is bad, bad people need to pay. Sometimes that you need to do wrong things for the right things.

Y/n: O-Oh...

Father: Now, go along. I am busy at the moment.

Y/n the walks off, his ears dropped down as Nicole came upstairs.

Nicole: You took your time going to the bathroom.

Y/n: Y-Yeah, I sure did.

Nicole can tell he is lying, he isn't good at lying. So she smiles.

Nicole: Hey, Knucklehead!

Y/n: Y-Yeah?

Nicole just grab the handle of the stairs, and leans in a bit.

Nicole: Nothin', just wanted to say that no matter where you go, I will always be there for you! I'll be forever in your heart!

Y/n smiles out of feeling better.

Y/n: Thanks! You're the best!

*Years Later*

Y/n and Nicole has grown since, Nicole is fifteen and Y/n is fourteen, Nicole has been trained some fighting moves such as Karate, Boxing, and Martial Arts by their father. Y/n has been studying the Grimm and Weapon parts.

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