consequences ( ageplay)

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This is forRoss_Lynch_Lover13

( rocky's pov)

I become very sick of Ross, he's always drunk the last time and he don't listening to me. It's very frustrating for me because we live together and I don't know what the do. " I'm going out." Says Ross and walk to the frond door. " no you're not going anywhere." I say strict. " why? You can't tell me what to do." He says. " yes I can, I'm your big brother, so you have to listening to me." " yhea whatever. I'm going if you like it or not. See you tonight or.. tomorrow. " " Ross! Come back right now!" I yell but also cry. I hate it when he acts like this. I call everyone except of Ross. I need help whit him. I really hope my parents and siblings can help.

" so what's wrong?" Ask my dad. " it's Ross.. he's really misbehavior and always drunk. I can't take it anymore, he don't even listening to me." I sight. " are you spanking him?" Ask riker. " yes but he don't care, he cry but the next day it's happen again." " were is he now?" Ask rydel. " I don't know a bar or something. I start to cry. " aw rocky, don't cry we figured out" says mom and rubs my back. " there's one thing you can do." Says riker. " what?" " put him in age play." " what? Age play?" I ask. " yhea. He deserved it." Says rydel. I sight but nobs. " okay we have an empty room we can transformation into a nursery." I say. " okay! And we gonna help." Says rydel. I smile. " okay... can Ross stay here for a week?" I ask my parents. " yes, no problem."

* a few days later *

We have to buy a alud crib, highchair, toys, closets pacifiers, diapers and a changeling table. And I paint the walls yellow. I hope he likes it. Now have I to pick up Ross. Dad told me that he the time he was there he don't get drunk or going out. So I'm glad. " come on rossy, we're going home." I smile and take him to my care. " finely, but btw I'm going out." I sight. " r.. okay, you can." " really!? Thanks bro." He says excited. I laugh silent when Ross got home he's so drunk he can't beryl walk and that is the perfect moment to put him in a diaper.

That night I here him coming inside. " r-rocky w-why are you up?" He stuttered and stumbled over his own feets. " I was waiting for you." " that's nice." He laughs and fall in my arms. I pick him up and carrying him to the nursery. I lay him on the changing table and put him in a diaper and onesie. "You look so cute." I smile and kiss his head. I lay him in his crib and tuck him in, and tie his hands " I'm sorry Rossy." I sight and walk out of the room.

* the next day*

( Ross pov )

I wake up in my bed whit a hangover. I try to roll out of bed like usual but I can't. I open my eyes and I'm laying in a.. crib? Why? " rocky!" I called. " rocky what is this!?" " hey rossy, you a wake!" " he says. " rocky what the hell is this!" I yell. " don't yell at me young man!" He says. He roll me on my stomach and start spanking me. " please stop! I'm sorry I yelled but please tell me! What's is this?" I cry. " this called age play, you know this." Says rocky " but.. why?" "Why? Why!? Your always drunk, you snapping that and you don't listen! And you ask me me why!!? this are the consequences for your actions!" he yells at me. " I-im s-sorry.. I didn't mean to. Please don't let me to this." I start to cry. " yes you do," he says and pick me up. " and what whit.." " don't worry about that. So this are the rules

1, you're 1 years old

2, you use your diaper and I change and bath you.

3, you can't walk, talking or something to by yourself. And if you wanna talk it must be short baby words.

4, no hitting, kicking or fighting.

You understand me?" I nob than he lay me down. And put me in a new diaper. " so you're done let's get breakfast." Smiles rocky and kiss my head. This is wired what am I supposed to do? I start sucking on my thumb like I'm always do when I'm sad ar somting. " no,no Ross use this." Says rocky and give me a pacifier. I look at it and start sucking. " see that's so much better." He say and put me in a highchair. " rocky, let me out of this"
I whine. " no rossy, you have to cooperate, you breakfast is coming." Says rocky. When were done he pick me back up and carrie's me to the couch. " now it's time for you're bottle baby." Smiles rocky and place me on his lap. I look at him but start drinking. " good boy." He smile at me. When im done he hugs me. " I love you rossy." " wuv you to." I say softly and hugs him back. My head stil hurts from my hangover so I start to cry. " what's wrong baby?" Ask rocky. " hurts." I cried. " aw you head still hurts? Let's take care of it." He carry me to the kitchen and give me an aspirin whit a bottle water. " here baby." Say rocky and Handel it to my. " thanky wocky." " your welcome, do wanna see you're new playpen?" Ask rocky and pick me back up.

( rocky's pov)

I carry Ross back to the livingroom and put him in a playpen and he exploring it. " do you like it?" I ask. He nobs and look around. " teddy?" He smile and pick up a teddy bear. " teddy wocky" " do you like the bear?" I laugh. " yes.." he smile and hugs the teddy bear. " you're so cute." I smile and rubbing his hair. " i love you baby boy." " wuv you to." I smile and kiss his head.

I sit whit ross on my lap and he sucking his pacifier. " what's wrong baby? " I ask. " I need to go." He cries. " use your diaper." " no, I don't wanna." " Ross it's not healthy, just go." " no." And he start to cry. " sssh it's okay rossy, you're okay." I cooed and puch gently on his bladder. " rocky! Stop! Please!! Don't do this!!" He cry harder. " ssh you okay, you okay." I cooed. " so let's change you." " no! Please no!" " rossy I don't wand you get a diaper rash." I say and pick him up. He start picking me and try to get away. " ross! Stop it right now or you getting in time out!" I say strict. " let me go!" He cried and hit my shoulder. " okay that's it you getting in time out!" I change his diaper. " and now you gonna sit in time out" i say and put him on a chair in the corner. " and you sit here for 5 minutes." I say strict. He nobs but start crying. " ross stop or you gets longer!" " sowwy." He cried and start sobbing. My heart broke when I'm see him like this, but he need to learn.

" ross, you can come out the corner now." I say and pick him up. " I'm sowwy wocky" he cried. " ssh it's okay baby" i cooed. " I'm wet again.. " he cried. " it's okay baby. I change you." I say. This time he cooperate and sit still in my arms. " you're so a good boy." I smile and kiss his cheeks. " I don't wanna be in time out.." he cried. " only if you behave." I say and hugs him. " but I'm a good boy." I laugh. And hugs him. " I behave.. I promis
" he says softly. " I love you rossy" " I wuv you too wocky." He yawned and sucking his pacifier. " you're so cute baby." I whisper and stroke his hair. Than falls Ross asleep in my arms.

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