C42: The Confession

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Kassandra had given a helpless look at the bowls of un-eaten pork as her brother sat back down again. Alexios knew something had been bothering Eos but, he'd not thought it be that.

"It makes sense now" Kassandra said after a moment. Eos looked over at her - if any of it did, she'd love to know how - "do you think it was what Asphodel found out" Kassandra asked. It wasn't what Eos had been expecting but, she now had a feeling that Asphodel had knew something a little closer to home.

"There's more" Eos said, "it's not just Amorges whose my long, lost, father",

"What do you mean" Alexios asked. Eos hadn't looked at him properly yet, not having wanted to see anymore hurt, or betrayal in his eyes but, there wasn't, only curiosity.

"One of the cultists is my mother" Eos told him.

Perhaps that's what Asphodel had found out, Eos thought, perhaps she'd even found out who and Chrysis had wanted her children to remain that - her children.

"Is she still alive" Kassandra asked,

"He never really said, he only spoke about her from before so..." Eos shrugged, "maybe". Eos sat back a little, having moved the bowl a couple feet away from her now. "Whoever she was, it seems Order really does run in my veins" - which, considering the kind of order both organisations wanted to bring upon the world, - "maybe my fait really was already sealed...".

Maybe the whole new dawn thing did make sense.

"Our blood doesn't make us who we are" Alexios told her, the want to reach out to her getting all the more overwhelming by the second but, he didn't think he was ready for that. Eos smiled. She'd wanted to say he couldn't use her own words against her but, this time, his blood, her blood, it had made something more and, she was terrified of what their blood would bring for them.

Except, she couldn't tell them that yet.

She had to tell Alexios first... Enough other people knew that wasn't him.

"It doesn't make Darius any less right though, does it? Amorges said this was my last chance. I've just put you in more danger",

"Do you remember what you said" Alexios asked quietly,

"I hadn't told you then" Eos looked back to the fire, she could feel the lump in her throat, trying to scratch the back of it, "I didn't know how you'd take it".

She may have not planned to say goodbye to any of them but, they may have said goodbye to her instead.

"We've all had enough happen to us to realise that children should not be judged by what their parents do" Kassandra said. 

"Does that mean Helios wasn't your brother" Alexios asked, the name still faltering at his lips. That would be a day he'd never forget...

"No" Eos looked to him, "just some poor babe Chrysis picked up".

"Do you have any idea who your mater could be" Kassandra asked,

"I know she was, or is, Athenian, or... that's where she went back to anyway",

"How did she and Amorges even...",

"They met before, had an affair, then... when I was born, she ran" Eos shrugged her shoulders, "maybe you've killed her already". Kassandra almost looked a little sad at that, wondering if maybe Eos would have wanted to know who she was but, Eos had been past that point for a while now... Its not as if she'd have anything to gain from them... Except questions she knew she'd never get straight answers too.

The three of them sat there for a little while, staring at the fire before Kassandra finally stood up.

"I'm gonna make sure Natakas has not committed murder" - which was just an excuse because she felt like the two of them had to have a moment alone together.

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