The Ghost King laughed silently as he passed the infuriated god, turning transparent and walking straight through the wall. "Thank you, for your cooperation".

The god stepped back from the glass in confusion, taking care to avoid the fog that still floated around his ankles.

The Hulk, that's your play", Percy said, all signs of madness disappearing from his face.


Thalia turned to stare at one of the security cameras in the corner of the room where the rest of the available Avengers were watching. "Did you get that, Fury? Where is Doctor Banner?!".

As one, the three demigods turned and walked urgently from the room, trying to reach Bruce before it was too late.

"Wait!", Loki called, making them pause in the doorway, "What are you?".

Percy turned, his signature smirk on his lips, eyes twinkling as he replied.



The three demigods immediately ran to the lab where they knew Doctor Banner would be working on locating the cube along with Tony Stark. When they entered, however, it wasn't just the two scientists they found. The entire Avengers team along with Director Fury had gathered in the lab and all seemed to be arguing about a whole host of different topics.

"Geez", Thalia muttered as the three stared at the chaos in shock, "The War Council for the Battle of Manhattan was more organised than this, even with Percy and Clarisse in the same room".

Nico snorted, having borne witness to several of their infamous fights himself.

Now that was chaotic.

Percy shot them an annoyed look over his shoulder but elected to ignore it for the moment in favour of the much larger issue.

"Hey!", he shouted to get the group's attention, "Gods you're all pathetic. If we knew you were this disorganised under pressure, we never would have come to join your little team!". Both Natasha and Director Fury bristled at the insult and straightened up, just as he knew they would.

Thalia smirked as he continued to berate them, but their voices faded into the background as another sense came to the forefront of her attention.

Something was wrong.

She stiffened, staring into the middle distance as she tried to focus on just what her powers were trying to warn her about. There was something else in the sky. Something besides them. Something that wasn't supposed to be there.

The alarm bells in her head grew louder as she became aware of something small attaching itself to the side of the ship. Her eyes widened, "Everybody get down!", she yelled, jumping forward to try and push them all to the ground. Before she could, the room exploded inwards in a hailstorm of debris, and she was blown back into the opposite wall.

Percy groaned, ears ringing, as he slowly pushed himself up from the floor. "Everybody alright?", he asked.

"I'm okay", he heard Nico answer from somewhere behind him.

"Yeah", Thalia said, hissing in pain, "Me too".

A gloved hand appeared in his line of sight, and he looked up the arm to see that it belonged to Steve. "Thanks", he said in surprise, allowing the super soldier to haul him to his feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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