The Stones & resurrections

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They get the stones, mourn Natasha and get everyone back. Then they battle Thanos and his army of genocidal freaks. Also Nat meets someome in the soulstone.

They stared after him.

"Guys, what happened there?" Bruce asked.

"Everything went wrong. The soul stone, it required a sacrifice. A soul for a soul. Nat, She knew somehow or at least suspected. We tried to stop her. We did. She..." Tony trailed off trying to find words to make sense of what had happened. He still held little James as he whimpered and bunched his shirt in his little fists.

Clint had left the room. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold it together. It was supposed to be him. She had done so much and all he'd done was go on a murdering rampage. She had been right here for five years trying to find a way to get those they lost back. She had spent five years building and caring for that orphanage because she believed those kids had deserved someone who cared with their parents gone. She kept going, kept trying to be better even though everyone was gone. He'd given up and turned away from the cause, from the good in the world.

While Steve was still locked away the others had figured out how to use the stones and created the gauntlet to hold it. Bruce snapped his fingers and suddenly everything was alive again.

The birds appeared and started singing, the people who'd disappeared in the streets were back and now confused but at least they were back. The phones were ringing off the hook. Friends and family calling to make sure everyone was back and okay. At least they were back.

Unfortunately they'd discovered the Nebula that came back wasn't their Nebula but instead an older version of her and she had betrayed them and let Thanos know how to come to their time. She had also stolen and given the gauntlet to Thanos. He'd come and destroyed the compound and had threatened to this time eradicate all life in the known universe. That had been the last straw and that had made Steve rejoin the land of the living and reassemble the team.

"Nat sacrificed herself for this. There is no way I'm letting this purple saggy nutted freak destroy it. Call everyone you can. It's time to kick some ass."

Thankfully during the fight between the five of them left, Strange and his wizards had gotten their message and as the portals opened letting out fellow Avengers and anyone who could help. Things were not going their way and they needed all the help they could get.

The Guardians, the entire Wakandan army led by T'challa and Okoye, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Valkyrie, Spiderman, Hope and her parents, Ant Man came flying out the destroyed compound and still more came and they kept coming.

"Is that all?" "What? You wanted MORE?!" They stood ready to assemble on Captain America's call. Steve looked around him and called Mjolnir to him. It flew into his hand and he looked again and then looked at Thanos.

"AVENGERS........ ASSEMBLE!" And assemble they did.They charged at Thanos and his army.

Wanda was merciless. She had been told of Nat's death and hadn't taken it well. On top of that, she was still distraught over Vision's death and this just added to it. She marched up to Thanos and stared him down.

"You took everything from me."

"I don't even know who you are." At that, she smirked.

"You will." She rose from the ground in a flash of fiery red, unleashing a boatload of fury, so much Thanos and his army cowered underneath her power and had to call for backup.

They managed to get the glove back with some help from Captain Marvel who'd shown up just in time. They managed to get the gauntlet back from him however they had almost lost Tony. It was a miracle he was able to contain all the radiation.

Bruce had spent hours after the fight trying to bring Nat back. "I tried to bring her back and nothing happened." He finally had to admit defeat and sighed sitting down.

Tony on the other hand hadn't given up on bringing Natasha back. He was going to give his nephew back his mother and his friend back his wife. He just hasn't figured out how yet. Well, he had but as he wasn't sure it'd work, he hadn't told anyone yet. He was sure if they returned the stone back to 2014 they could get her back but since they were out if Pym particles, he would have to use Wanda. She could gather enough power the machine. She just needed to be convinced.

Clint was still tore up from having lost Natasha that he wasn't even certain he wanted to get involved in the fight. He had decided it'd be better for him to just go home. He'd been without his family for five years and didn't want to waste another second. His heart broke when he had to tell his children that their Auntie Nat was gone and wasn't ever coming back. Lila had burst into tears and run up to her room and had stayed there. She was the closest to Nat and the one that suffered the most with knowing what had happened. They only were able to coax her out when they told her they would have a funeral for Natasha.

It should have been me.

When she hit the ground all she felt was white hot pain and then nothing. But she woke up and the sky was yellow and she wasn't alone. A woman with green skin and purple hair was standing staring at her."You too huh? Who sacrificed you?" She asked curiously.Nat was sure she knew this woman. Or of her at least. Oh wait- "You're Gamora?""You didn't answer my question.""I did. It was between me and two others and for the fate of the universe. I sacrificed myself so they wouldn't have to." She hated the thought of not going back home to her child but it had to be done. She had done her part. She wasn't needed anymore."Yes, I am Gamora. My father, Thanos sacrificed me so he could get the stone. The thing he loved most he threw down to die." She looked down and played with her nails. She should've gone right. She should've listened to him."Where are we? I thought I had died." This didn't look like death to her. It wasn't dark, it wasn't hell, it certainly wasn't HEAVEN- like she'd even be allowed there."We're in the souls stone. When you are sacrificed you get taken by it and you're stuck. I've tried to get out and there's no way unless someone comes back to exchange it. And no one ever comes back to exchange it." Gamora had tried, she had tried a lot and she just wanted to die. To really die because it'd be better than being stuck in a stone for all eternity."So if we're stuck in the stone that means we aren't truly dead? And it means that my friends have the stone with them. Maybe we could communicate with them then?""How would we do it though?"They never actually said how this all worked. All Red Skull had said was the stone needed a sacrifice. And She gave it one. Maybe if they could somehow get a message back to the others, they could figure out a way to bring them back. They set off to do just that...


So Nat meets Gamora and they decide to be BAMF's because that's what they are anyway and they would certainly not just sit and wait around. I also wanted Wanda to be apart of bringing Nat back because I believed she deserved more air time. I mean she was so powerful, Thanos had to call for backup. I thought that maybe if she could get powered enough she could turn back the time herself. Doctor Strange no longer had the time stone which meant he couldn't do it. I also believe Wanda and Natasha had such a good friendship that we didn't get to see because they refused to make the characters more in-depth. Also I don't actually care about canon and it being compliant with the movie and that shut because canon and compliance killed Nat and Tony. And erased Natasha's character arc. And made Steve's arc dissipate also. So now I have to recreate it. And there's my anti Russo rant for the day.

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