Chapter 1

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How it began..

I've always been this way, my mother said I was born special. That just by touching anyone, I could know everything about that person.

I was always a happy child. When I was growing up, I had a family, friends a happy life. But it all changed in a matter of hours.


My family threw me a surprise party, it my 21 st birthday. Everything was fine, we were laughing, joking around and drinking. Well I wasn't drinking, it numbs my senses that put me in a dream like state.

I touched my best friends arm as she passed me gift, just in a nano second her thoughts invaded my mind. As she was recounting her day, from this morning till an hour before my party. Her thoughts that led to my boyfriend of 5 years sleeping with her. About how many times they've done it in the past few years, behind my back.

"Lisa, Mark get out of my house and out of my life. I can't believe you would do this too me, of all people you fuck me over like yesterday's trash. I had trusted you both, it's a good thing I haven't told you all my secrets. I would have told you both, but now that ship has sailed."

I looked towards my brother JB & his girlfriend Jisoo, they both grabbed the two and escorted them out of the party. Soon my father grabs me in a hug, I'm startled as I cover my mouth. The tears fall as my father's thoughts also invade my mind, he had slept with my mom's bosses wife and he plans to marry her.

I pull back, raising my fist I punch him with all my might. "Your just like Lisa & Mark, leave me alone I'm no longer related to you and I'm no longer your daughter."

I run in the house, running to my room. Grabbing my already packed suitcase, passport and plane ticket. I rummage through my drawers, I slip on my silk gloves. I make sure no skin is showing, as I run down the stairs.

Crashing into my Oppa, he catches me in the air. "Be safe, I'll see you in a few months. I'm sorry you had too found out this way, I didn't tell you because I was only trying to protect you. Forgive me!"

- First Look -
How's that for the beginning?
I know it's short but I promise it only gets better.

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