Remember that; it’s good to be bad!” They continued as Jay danced around with a bunch of the kids that were trying to impress him. They all wanted a shot, but in the end only five of them would be leaving. “If you got pride, wave your v’s up high. Wave em wide, side to side. Feel the vibe. It’s good to be bad!”

“I wanna see you all rep your block. I wanna see you all rep your block.” Hailey sang as they danced around the building that was a part of the dance studio named after her. There the girls and boys would be able to dance their hearts out. “Show you’re proud let me hear you shout ‘We’re from the isle of the lost!”

We’re here to celebrate. We’re here to elevate!” Evie danced down Evie’s Alley, the part of the isle where the fashionista’s ran. As you walked down you could see the little shops that were used for clothing or hair purposes. “If you down then make your move, but you best not hesitate!”

Todays the day that you won’t forget. The best to come ain’t happen yet.” Mal sang, walking up to Celia, Dr. Faciller’s daughter. She slid the cards out in front of the purple haired girl, letting her pick one. “Take a bow it won’t be your last.”

You’re from the isle if anybody asks!” They all shouted as they met back up in the front of the isle. The five villains were in the front, dancing with the chosen ones behind them. “It’s good to be bad, and we’re proof of that. Used to be lost now we’re on the map. Used to steal stacks now we’re giving back. Remember that; it’s good to be bad!”

“If you got pride, wave your v’s up high.” They five broke away from the group, running alongside them and up the steps that led to the balcony. “Wave em wide, side to side. Feel the vibe. It’s good to be bad!”

They can try to deny our style, but we were born this way.” Jay rapped as they overlooked the giant crowd of dancing suitors. “Cause you can take the VK out of the isle, but you can’t take the isle out of the VK.”

If you wanna make it hype, not a moment to waste. Make it loud, make it live. Make it jump to the bass!” Carlos pointed towards each side of the dancing kids as he leaned over the balcony. “Make it what you want, but you better make your case, cause the isle makes us and we’re reppin this place.”

So when I say ‘v’, you say ‘k’.” The five villains called out before pointing to the group below them. “V!”




“When I say ‘all’, you say ‘day.” They said once more as Carlos and Jay made their way over the gate. “All!”


“When I say ‘V’, you say ‘K’.” They said once more as the boys jumped off the side of the balcony, letting a couple of the kids catch them to help soften their landing. “V!”




“When I say ‘all’, you say ‘day’.” Carlos and Jay made their way to the front of the crowd as the three girls continued to dance on the balcony.

All day!”

The three girls watched, doing little moves at the boys danced along with the crowd. Hailey laughed as Mal pretending to be playing the drums along with the beat.

The boys broke away once more before meeting with the girls again to finish their routine while singing. “It’s good to be bad, and we’re proof of that. Used to be lost now we’re on the map. Used to steal stacks now we’re giving back. Remember that; it’s good to be bad!”

If you got pride, wave your v’s up high. Wave em wide, side to side. Feels the vibe. It’s good to be bad!” They finished, throwing their arms out in front of them as the kids below held up their applications.

They all cheered before breaking their stances, cheering along with their friends. They were so excited for today, even if they all couldn’t go. Mal smiled. “Who wants to go? You wanna go?”

Hailey walked away from the crowd with her friends. They huddled around each other conversing on who they thought would be the best choices. It didn’t take them long to decide.

The cheers amplified as they returned to their positions in front of them. Evie waved at them. “I can’t believe this day has finally arrived.”

It had took months to prepare for this day, and they had to pick a certain date to let everyone prepare for the day, so it added up to be almost a whole year before they returned to pick their people.

“We really wish you all could come with us.” Hailey told them with a hopeful smile. She was excited for the ones that were getting picked, but she was ready for them all to cross over. “And maybe we will one day.”

“We’re gonna be back here so many times that you’re gonna be sick of us.” Mal informed them with a laugh. They laughed as if there were no way they would get sick of seeing them all.

Upon Evie’s request, they stomped their feat in a rapid manor, creating a type of drum roll. “First, I would like to begin with the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, daughter of Drizzela. My sweet, sweet friend. My Dizzy.”

The young girl squealed before running forward and up the stares. Hailey held the application in her hands up. “I’ll go next. The daughter of Yzma and the mad scientist, Yasmin!”

The dark haired girl clad in purple and brown fixed her goggles before walking forward with a smile on her face.

“Next, the son of Smee.” Carlos announced. Hailey smiled when the two twins shared a confused glance. “Come on Squeaky.”

Squeaky slowly walked over to the white haired boy, continuing to glance back at his father and his brother, not liking the idea of going alone.

“And no way are we splitting up the twins, so get over here Squirmy!” The other twin smiled as he walked over to Jay. They seemed to of brightened once they realized they would be going together.

“And last, but certainly not least.” Mal said, catching everyone’s attention. They were all on the tip of their toes as they waited for the last acceptance. “We all picked this girl because we all agreed that she could use some of Fairy Godmother’s goodness class. Give it on up for Dr. Faciller’s daughter, Celia!”

The girl spun around, showing herself off before strutting over to the group of Auradon kids with a smirk on her face. Hailey wrapped her arm around Yasmin as the boys walked up the stairs with the twins.

“Alright, we’ll be back for you guys in a week.” Carlos told them.

“Pack your stuff. Your own stuff.” Jay emphasized, making them all laugh. Hailey glanced at her friends, the smile never leaving her face. She was so happy they were finally being able to give other kids the chance to make the right choices.

“Where are we going?” The five kids looked at one another with giant smiles before shouting out in glee.

“We’re going to Auradon!”





Nefarious ∆ Descendants [under major editing]Where stories live. Discover now