"Sorry cousin Herald" Daniel mocked. The group laughed even Jonah who remained strong. 

Matt moved forward collecting Emily, she was still so weak. "I'm going to need the other addresses"

"How are you going to make them listen to you? You don't have mind compulsion to make it work and to them you're just going to be a stranger" Jonah piped up. Matt agreed. "That's why you're coming along with me"


 "Do you think we made the right choice?" 

Jack looked at Corbyn "By signing the contract? What's the worst that could happen?"

*3 months later* 

The group was seated in the living room waiting on David and Jon "Where are they? I'm getting impatient" groaned Zach. Suddenly a loud honk was heard outside of the condo, as usual Daniel spotted it first. Freddie wasn't necessarily sure they heard him from outside so he turned his radio up louder "GUYS DO YOU HEAR THAT?" screeched Corbyn

The door to the board room was opened slightly, both Jon and David were beaming with excitement

"It can't be" Jonah shook his head. Tears strolled down Daniel's eyes as he approached  the door and opened it as the music blasted through the neighborhood "YOU FREAKING MADE IT!!!" yelled Freddie in his lamborhini "THAT'S ALL YOU" he started laughing hysterically. The boys walked out of the condo overwhelmed "They're fresh, they're popstars, they're Daniel, Zach, Jack, Jonah and Corbyn, your new sensation boyband, this is Why Don't We-Something Different" the voice sounded on the radio. "THAT'S US" screeched Corbyn to the group who now formed a hug "Why Don't We"

David and Jon walked out to them "Congratulations guys, this is only the beginning, there's still so many more hits to be worked on" Jon smirked "The beginning of an era, tour maybe"

"Imagine going around the world, seeing fans, seeing people happy" Jack spoke up. "It's what makes us happy" Daniel looked at Jon. He smiled. "We'll be back soon, have some business to take care of, treat yourselves" 

"This slaps" Freddie looked at them smiling "Great job, can't wait to see what else you guys both out" 


He turned down the radio "Have you guys heard back from your cousin?" he looked at Daniel "Um... Herald? I think that's his name" 

Daniel thought of a quick lie "Yeah Em, she's doing much better, thanks for asking man"

"Don't mention it, well I'll see you guys around" he looked at Jonah "Hang in there" he nodded and sped off. 

The boys walked back into the house "So no one finds it strange that Freddie keeps asking about Em when..." Corbyn stopped short when he realized that Emily and Jeremy were somewhat involved and Jonah was still hurt, no matter what he was always going to care. What actually mattered to him was taking Jeremy Gilbert down before he went after someone else. What never left his mind was who was the person that hit him down that day in Mystic Falls so they could save Emily from whatever plan that he was scheming up. Jonah couldn't quite get a face and neither did the rest of the band. 

They had ordered a pizza and relaxed in the convenience of their own home, their were no supernatural problems to deal with after not hearing back from Klaus, his brother or the Salvatore brothers.... they were free or so they thought. 

-It started with the visions (Corbyn Besson)

It was now 1am and Corbyn was sweating profusely in his bed in the dark, tossing, turning. The dark visions appeared this very same early Tuesday morning, he saw what appeared the town of Mystic Falls... no wait somewhere else...in his head he saw a black background and there stood Kaylen, a full image of what appeared to be her but she was tied up, bounded. Her fangs appeared and a human approached, Kaylen couldn't resist she had fed. 

Another vision he saw of Rachel with the other girls of course, safe as Matt told them they would be, those were the good visions but as they continued they began to get darker and darker, Corbyn started to wonder if these visions were actually real. Did Kaylen really feed on another human being? Was Damon not looking after as he should be? Why was she not given a blood bank? Where was Klaus?

-Then came the disappearances-  (Jonah Marais)

As time went on their were reports of missing bodies shown up in LA but unaccounted for, the LAPD could not hold anyone or witnesses accountable for the murders that popped up in the busy city of LA. They ruled the murders as wolf killings but it made no sense to the police force since their were no sightings of wolves or any dangerous animals roaming about at night. What puzzled the band was that Jonah would go to sleep at night and appear the next morning blood dripping, stressed, he would clean it up before David spotted him throughout the day. They knew that he was responsible but would never ever snitched on their friend/brother. The boys figured that the reason for his spiral was no other than Emily and Jeremy, he wanted nothing more than revenge, he wanted Jeremy dead. Jonah also knew that for the sake of Emily and the girls that he had to stay away, no matter how far Matt was keeping them, he had to keep away from putting them all in danger. 

-The secrets-(Zach Herron)

Everyone has something to hide right? Zach most of all, little did he know that one out of the four other members were keeping a very close eye on him, so the inside member made friends with the new guy from school. He goes by one name and one name only: EBEN. Zach goes on odd trips now and again and Eben follows his every move in dark corners and he reports back. Zach's not doing anything deep and dark but it involves mixing of the two worlds: supernatural and the real world. What he doesn't know is the truth will soon come to light, on all three of their ends a fight will break out between them all. 

-Communication -(Jack Avery)

There were all fools not to think that there was no communication between Mystic Falls and the real world, specifically them. Now and again Jack could be heard talking to Damon Salvatore numerous times. They were trying to come up with a plan of sneaking Jack into their world to help take Jeremy down but Damon needed an ally, he also wasn't stupid enough to just grab one guy, he needed the whole band. 

Daniel Seavey  was just well..... Daniel Seavey....

It was now Friday morning and the boys were preparing to head to the studio, after taking a refreshing shower with nothing but his boxers on and a towel drying his face. "Would it kill you to put on some pants lad?" a voice spoke sitting on his bed smirking, he was thin but with handsome features and dressed from head to toe in an old fashion style, a suit so to say. Jack immediately knew he was no other than a Mikaelson but he could have been a Salvatore too but by the use of his tone, he was definitely a Mikaelson. "Why look so alarmed lad? Have you seen a ghost?" he looked around the room smirking once more landing his eyes back on Jack once more as he kept inching towards the door, he saw this however and used his speeding vampire abilities to stop Jack from exiting the room. He wrapped his hand around Jack's neck lifting him off the floor "You tell me what you know about those girls now or..." but before he could get what he wanted out of Jack he heard a voice from outside the room . 


With a slight devilish smirk and look on his face he dropped Jack to the floor leaving him to stare. He gave one more glare at Jack before opening the door. 

"Fancy seeing you here" he looked at Klaus. "Come, sit" he motioned for him to go the table "Let's have a chat"

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