Chapter 1: Arrival at Beacon

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ALRIGHT! Time, for the first chapter of The Living Dead! Hopefully everyone enjoys this chapter, and comes back for more! Anyways, ONWARD TO THE CHAPTAAA!

(Y/n) POV
   The landscape beneath the airship flew by. All around you teens were chatting and building new friendships. But, you weren't paying any attention as you were too caught up on your scroll. You weren't showing it, but you were pretty excited at the new journey ahead. Not once had you expected to be going to Beacon, but here you were on your way to the great academy.

(Y/n): "Man, Skillets new album is pretty good. Wonder if (F/n) as heard it yet..."

   You glanced up and noticed a news broadcast on the holographic tv. You pulled your headphones out to watch and listen to it.

News reporter: "The robbery was led by Nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authority's"

Y/n: "That son of a b*tch..."

News reporter: "If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale police department"

   At this point, you tuned the news out and noticed 2 females. One was a young looking girl who had on a black dress with red accents, and black hair with red highlights. The other one was wearing a brown jacket with a yellow undershirt that had a unique looking symbol on it, and what appeared to be shotgun gauntlets.

   Your thoughts were interrupted as the holographic news swapped over to a blonde women who you assumed to be a huntress.

???: "Hello, and welcome to Beacon"

Blondie: "Who's that?"

???: "My name is Glynda Goodwitch"


Y/n: "What perfect timing..."

Glynda: "You are among a selected few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious honor. Our world is experience an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntress and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now, it is our turn to pro ide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world"

Red: "Wow..."

   You went back to your scroll to tell your friends that you were almost there, when all of a sudden...

???: "Ugghhhh..."

Y/n: "He doesn't look so good... Probably motion sickness... Gotta find a bag!"

   You dug into your back and found a random large zip up bag and quickly rushed over to him.

Y/n: "Here, use this!"

   As soon as he saw the bag, the guy took it and immediately puked into it. You sat there and patted his back while he continued to vomit. After a couple minutes he zipped the back up and threw it into a trash can.

???: "Ugh... Thanks..."

Y/n: " Uh yeah, no problem..."

???: "So, what's your name?"

Y/n: "(Y/n), what's yours?"

???: "The names Arc... Jaune Arc"

Y/n: "Did... Did you seriously just pull a 'James Bond'?"

Jaune: "Yeah... It was terrible wasn't it?"

Y/n: "Well... You just got done puking so maybe you should try again later, and try not to use that joke."

The living dead (RWBY Harem x Male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora