Chapter 8 - Netherlands

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"Listen", She paused for a second, making sure he had all of his attention towards her, "Everything is going to be okay. We need to find a way to contact Fury, tell him exactly what's going on. Then, we should call Happy and see if he can come find us. Wherever we are"

Y/n looked around the cell, seeing the men awake beside them. She squinted her eyes at them, noticing that they seemed rather friendly. She gave them a warm smile before looking towards Peter and seeing that he just opened the door to the jail.

"Y/n, come on", Peter held his hand out towards her as he stuck his head around the cell to see if he saw the guard, "Y/n, now. Please"

Y/n hurried over to his side, grabbing his hand and sneaking out of the jail together. They found an open window to jump out of. Peter grabbed Y/n's waist, lifted her up towards the window to crawl out of. Once she did, she slipped through, holding onto the ledge once she saw it was a bit of a drop. Peter crawled through the window and stuck to the wall, webbing her wrist and helping her down to the ground gently.

The two of them headed to the city, Peter limping and Y/n walking normally since her bruise wasn't bothering her as much anymore. Y/n saw a forum, quickly rushing to it before Peter grabbed her wrist.

"Do not leave my side again", He whispered softly, pulling her closer to his side as she wrapped her arm around his back, and lifted his left arm over her head to help him walk.

"I'm never leaving you, Peter. I swear on my life", She added with a smile as she helped him walk towards the forum.


Y/n and Peter walked through the field full of flowers. She made sure he didn't put too much pressure on his leg, and he made sure she was always in his sights. The two of them were taken aback when they saw a jet fly down into a field, outstepped Happy Hogan.

"Happy!", Peter shouted, letting go of Y/n as he limped towards Happy. Y/n followed behind him quickly, being close behind him in case he fell, "Is that you?"

"Yeah, of course it's me. You kids okay?", He asked as he neared the two of them, quickly changing his words, "Well, Y/n I know you're not a kid but–"

He was cut off by Peter wrapping his arms around him, then Y/n wrapped her arms around the both of them. She pulled away quickly to look at the two of them, "I missed you two so much. How's May? Ned? MJ?"

"May is alright", Happy replied to her, causing Peter to nod along with her. He wanted to know the exact same thing, because he was worried about his Aunt.

"Ned and MJ are okay, too. Shit. Not now, because Beck is–", Peter was cut off by Y/n quickly.

"Peter", She accent being fluent, "Ned and MJ are going to be okay, trust me. I won't let Beck hurt them, or you anymore"

"Y/n, he's dangerous", Peter started to speak, watching her as she rolled her eyes, "Last time you were near him, he held you hostage"

"I had the advantage and almost took him down, then he used a fucking illusion and showed me my dead sons with their dead father", She snapped at him, causing him to widen his eyes at her sudden outburst, "I know he's dangerous, but he hasn't seen how dangerous I can be yet"

"Come on", Happy stepped in between them, urging them onto the jet, "Let's get you two out of here"


"I love Led Zeppelin!", Peter shouted as he was fixing his suit and listening to the music that Happy had turned on.

Y/n quickly smiled at him, looking over at Happy who was trying not to laugh. She was confused as to what was going on, so when he walked into the cockpit of the jet, she followed after him. She sat in the seat next to him, seeing him glance over at her and back to the sky.

"What's all this about?", She asked confusedly, trying to figure out what Peter said to make him almost laugh.

"Nothing", He replied, looking at her once again and noticing that she won't stop asking about it until he tells her, "Okay, fine. When Peter said he loved Led Zeppelin, I thought of how Tony would react"

"How would he react?", Y/n asked as she knitted her brows together, curious as to what he meant.

"Well, he'd probably be standing over there next to Peter right now, helping to make his suit as Tony makes his own", He smiled happily as he thought of what would be happening if Tony was here, "Just picture this..."

"I love Led Zeppelin!", Peter shouted as he was fixing his suit, making Happy look over at Tony with a grin before walking back into the cockpit.

Y/n was sitting down listening to everything while she held a magazine in her hands.

"Pete", Tony laughed, catching Peter's attention as he kept fixing a new suit, "It's AC/DC, not Led Zeppelin. God, I've got to educate you with good music, don't I?"

"Well, if that's AC/DC then what's Led Zeppelin?", Peter asked confusedly, looking over at Y/n for help.

"Don't look at me", She giggled softly, placing the magazine down as she looked between him and Tony, "I'm not a Midgardian"

"But, I have made you listen to music over and over again", Tony laughed along with her, watching her nod along.

"Yes, you have Tony. A bit too much", She rolled her eyes playfully before getting up from her seat to help the both of them with the suits, "But, I enjoy it"

"You know, if you weren't older than me, you could be my actual daughter", He pleaded, watching her shrug her shoulders.

"Yeah, you're probably right", She smiled brightly at Tony before he finished working on his suit, walking into the cockpit with Happy.

"Wow", Y/n sighed softly, sinking into her seat as she thought about Tony, "Ya know, I didn't realize I missed him that much until now. The two of you have helped me out so much since I first came to Earth. I appreciate it a lot, and you all became a family of mine. I don't know what I'd do if I ever had to go back home"

"Well, as long as you're exiled, then you won't have to leave us. I know Peter would be highly upset if you had to leave him", Happy suggested, frowning a bit before speaking again, "That kid has been through so much and I'd hate to see him upset over anything else. He deserves a break from everything that goes on"

"Yeah, Peter has been through a lot and I don't blame you for not wanting me to leave", She smiled at him quickly, "I'm actually a wonderful person to be around, aren't I?"

"You sound like him", He laughed as he switched the jet on autopilot, "Come on, let's go check up on Peter"

"Alright", She laughed along with him, standing up from her seat as she followed Happy into back to see Peter still working on some suits.

A/N - This is as much as I could fit into this chapter. But I hope everyone enjoys it! <3

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