Chapter 10

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Conner turned around to find that Kal was no longer behind him. He had found his way into the dinning hall, and wasn't sure how long he had been gone. Backtracking, Conner went back the way he came. He heard something open, and a surprised grunt, then the sound of something falling. He looked around the corner just as a section of floor moved back into place, and lying next the false floor was a leather necklace, with a ring attached.

Kal had fallen into a trap.


Kal woke up a few hours later, as he stood up he stumbled, as his head was throbbing. Looking up, he couldn't see anything, nor could he see anything around him. Reaching into his cloak he pulled out a flash light. Turning it on, he looked around. There was a tunnel to his right, and a rusty cell door in front of him. He didn't bother with the cell door, and chose to go through the tunnels. He spent hours walking, and just when he was about to give up, and turn back, it opened up into a damp forest. Breathing in a sigh of relief knowing he was no longer trapped he continued forward. However his relief was short lived. Coming from all around him were the howls of a wolf pack, and he knew without a doubt, that they had just given the signal of the hunt.


Conner ran to the trap door, that led to the secret passages. He ran back to the entrance of the manor, only getting lost a couple times. As he got out, he almost crashed into Arron on his way to see him.

"Whoa there!" Said Arron. "Vat is your rush?"

"Onmywaytoseeyou." He said quickly. "Kal Trapped."

"Slow down. Vait. Master storm trapped? How!?"

"We got separated." He explained. "I went back to find him, and saw him fall through a trap door!"

"Ok calm down. Now tell me vere vas this trap door?" Arron asked.

"First corner before the dining hall."

Arron winced.

"Then he's dead. That trap leads to a cell that has been a wolves den for hundreds of years."

"Dead?" Conner asked, his face paling as it drained of blood.

Arron nodded.

"I am sorry, but your friend is dead."

" He just got married....he was going to be a father. He can't be.."

"I am sorry." Arron said, as he walked away.

"I refuse to believe he's dead." Conner said to himself. "He's tuff he'll get back. Some how he'll make it back."


The wolves were closing in. They sounded to be about forty, but the howls echoed so it was hard to tell.

Kal pulled out his 9mm's, and made sure his sword on his back was accessible. As soon as the first wolf appeared on the hill in front of him,(a large black grey) he let loose his first shot. It struck right between the eyes, killing it instantly. More wolves appeared, and charged. He fired shot after shot, killing a wolf with each bullet. As soon as his guns ran out of ammo he reached for his sword. The few remaining wolves charged, vengeance burning in their eyes. He cut them all down. As if he was the reaper of their souls. He cleaned the blood from his sword before sheathing the blade. He counted the bodies of the wolves he killed. Sixty, a large pack. His eyes however stopped on the body of a white wolf. Nuzzling the head of the wolf were four pups. A black, a white, a grey, and a red. Extending his hidden blade he had the thought to kill them, but retracted it as he though better of it.

He walked over to the pups, which were so young they stumbled as they walked. Reaching down he picked up each pup, and stuck them into a few of the pockets in his cloak. Three of the pups fell asleep, except for the black one, who stared back at him with strangely intelligent eyes.

"Your a curious one aren't you?" He asked the pup.

"Maybe." The pup seemed to say, with his bright blue eyes.

That was strange, he felt like this pup understood him, and even stranger he could understand him!

"Why don't you go to sleep like your siblings?" He asked it.

The pup twitched his nose, and cocked his head.

"Make me." It replied.

"I must be losing my mind." He said to himself.

"I had the feeling you had already lost it" said the pup, with a tiny yip.

Looking at the strange pup, he pulled out a compass, and started west in the direction of the Assassin corps manor. He walked for three days, and in the afternoon of the fourth he made it back to the manor.

"I'm back." He said, as he stood in front of the gate's.

"Good, because you need a bath." Said the pup with a twitch of his nose.

Kal had decided to name the pup, Sirius. Mostly because of his sarcastic and sometimes serious manner. That and he was a Harry Potter, fan. He felt a connection with that character, where he didn't with any other characters.

"Shut your muzzle." He told it.

"Make me." came his reply.

Kal decided next chance he got he'd buy a muzzle. Filing that thought away, he typed in the gate code, and walked in as the gates opened.

He didn't stop until he reached the manor doors.

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