Chapter 2

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Kal held Eveline, as she slept with her head resting on his chest. They had driven 12 hrs from Vegas. to Seattle where he lived. He soon drifted off as well. When he woke up Eveline was gone, and the smell of sausage and eggs, filled his nostrils. He got up and dressed into jeans, and a black t-shirt, then made his way to the kitchen.

"The ghost is alive." Greeted Eveline, with a laugh.

"Good evening to you too." Said Kal, smiling.

They tended to sleep during the day, since they were up all night.

"What no kiss?" She pouted.

"I have evening brushed my teeth." He chuckled.

"I don't care." She said, with a broad smile.

He laughed and kissed her check. She didn't complain, but she still wasn't satisfied.

"Come back here you jerk"

She grabbed his wrist, but his reflexes kicked in and he spun her around and pinned her back to his chest.

"You don't have any patients do you?" He asked.

"Nope!" She said, stepping on his foot, twisting around, and quickly placing a kiss on his lips before taking off.

Letting out a low whistle, Kal ate his breakfast, then brushed his teeth. When he was done he joined his girlfriend in the living room. They lived in a fair sized apartment made up of concrete, with two bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom, and living room. He walked into the living room, which was half the size of a basketball court, had a bar, and was decked with a black leather sofa, 72 inch HD plasma screen T.V., surround sound, and a carpet you could roll out to absorb the extra sound so there's no echo.

"Hey babe." Said Kal, as he sat down next to her.

"Hey!" Said Eveline , with a sweet smile.

"Do you want to go on patrol tonight?" He asked.

"No. I thought we could have fun tonight." She answered.

"Like what?"

"Well Gwen told me over text that they're having a party at they're place down town." She replied.

He thought it over, and decided they could have fun tonight.

"Ok, sounds good." He told her.

"Great! But you need to change because we can't go dressed like this!" She said, hurriedly.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" He asked.

She just stared at him until he got up to change. They went to his room and he pulled out a pair of black helix jeans with a spiked belt, black combat boots, and a casual dress jacket. When he was finished dressing, he turned around to see Eveline dressed in a black dress that went down to her thighs, spandex leggings, and knee high leather high heeled boot's.

He was speechless.

As they headed out Kal made sure he had his hidden blade, and a dagger hidden in one of his boots. They went to the garage and made they're way to Kal's car. He drove a 2014 red and black, stingray corvette.

The two of them also did contract killing when it suited them, and Kal put his money to good use. They drove down town, to an apartment complex. They parked, got out, and went in and up, to the penthouse suite on the top floor. The place was packed with people, most of which were complete strangers.

They headed for the back and went to the bar.

"Anything for you?" The bartender asked.

"Spirit." Said Kal, in a low whisper.

The bartender nodded, and led them into the back store room.

"Enjoy the party." Said the Bartender. "Trata de no matar a nadie. El desorden es insoportable."

With that he pulled a lever and the wall slid over, revealing a secret entrance. They entered, and were greeted with loud music, rave lights and, a whole gathering of friends, allies, and other associates of the Assassin corps.

"To many people!" Kal yelled, over the music.

"What?" Eveline yelled back.

"To many people!"

"I know! Lets dance!" She replied.

She drug him onto the dance floor and began swaying seductively, to the loud beat and rhythm of the music. Kal wasn't a fan of dubstep, but the way she moved quickly changed that. Finding his rhythm he soon became synced with the music and his partner.

"You guys should get a room!"

They were interrupted by Eveline's friend Gwen, who was dancing while holding a bottle in her right hand.

"Have you been drinking?" Eveline asked.

"All night babe!"

Kal was glad she wasn't the aggressive type when she was drunk, but was not to keen on being around her anyway. She never stopped talking, and was quite obnoxious.

"Well I think you've had enough!" Said Kal, taking the bottle from her, and throwing it away.

Kal didn't drink, and he swore he never would. Even to save his own life.

"Your no fun!" Yelled Gwen, unhappily.

"Your right the fun one is on my arm tonight! Why don't you go and dance with Vince?!" He asked.

"We broke up!" She yelled back.

Figures. Gwen always seemed to be braking up with guys after a few weeks, and it looks like Vince didn't make the cut. She had probable dated a good majority of the Assassin corps.

"Who are you dating then?!" He asked, the yelling giving him a headache.

"Hold that thought!" She said, wondering off. Probable to find another doomed soul.

Kal turned to Eveline just as the song ended.

"Let's go get some air." He said, taking her hand in his.

He led her out of the club, and into the cool fall air, and wide space of the park across the street. He led her to a giant oak tree, and laid down in the grass with her.

"It's a beautiful night." He said, starring into the starry sky.

"It is." She replied.

"I love you Eveline. I would go through hell for you."


"And there's something I want to ask you..."

"Anything." She said.

She sat up as he stood, got down on one knee, and pulled out a little black box.

"Will you do the honors of becoming Eveline Storm? Will you marry me?"

Kal asked, terror coursing through him with every word he spoke.

Tears in her eyes, hiding a smile, she threw her arms around his neck.

"Yes!" She whispered to him, as she hugged him tight. "A million times yes!"

The Assassin Saga book one: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now