Season 1 Episode 2

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The car screeched along the express around 7th avenue, waking up Sam, who you n turn was confused by the speed of the car and the siren behind him,
He looks around lost for a minute,
"Oh", he said remembering the previous happenings

- he went to school and came to the car after escaping craig, and now it seems like.......

"Oh No.... Mr Lee" Sam screamed
"What's going on here?, Why are we being pursued by the cops?"

"Well sam if you can lay your head down a little and wait till we get to safety I'll explain everything to you" mr Lee said while turning the steering like a mad man

"Are you kiddnaping me me?"
The thought of him being kiddnaped scared him and he made attempt to open the car and jump out from the high spending car.

"What are you doing?" Mr Lee asked alarmed

"Escape" trying hard to open the door and the door was not responding

"Let me out" Sam started shouting

*Thwack* the driver shoved his hand just below sam's neck making him pass out


<Few minutes later>

Sam woke up in a weird place but it felt familiar, he turned and felt a sharp pain behind his head accompanied by a headache

"Ouch, where am I?" He asked knowing none of the men standing in front of him will reply

"Sam, don't be afraid" a voice which obviously sam recognized spoke up

"Dad?" He asked puzzeld

"Yes it is me son "

"But what happened "

"Remember this place" his father said moving closer to him

"I can't really place it "

"I brought you here 5years ago to show you a particular treasure, a heirloom that our family owns" he said this time harshness in his voice

"Yeah, I can remember now" Sam said scratching his head

"Now, your Dad has forgotten where the item is I have searched everywhere for it and I can't seem to find it, and bad people are after it, so will you take me to it before they get here " smiling weirdly that which spooked Sam off

"Sure, Dad, it's in your super SAFE" he said, surprised his father actually forgot something

As they both move closer to the SAFE where the treasure is, Sam tripped on something and as he was about to fall his Dad held him by his hand preventing him from falling, this in turn shocked sam, as he looked at his dad weirdly

"Dad, remember when you said that this place has spirits and they are protecting the treasure?" Sam asked

"Yeah, sure really" uncertainty I'm his voice

Well I think figured out how to bypass them


"Yeah, let me show you"

He said bending down to pick up something, instantly he stood up to face his father then poured sand on his face, blinding his father for some minutes, as the father struggles with the specks of sand in his eyes, his colour starts to change, and he totally change to someone who Sam dreaded his Uncle Wally....
The turn of events spooked Sam he made a run for it , as he got a little far off he could hear his Uncle shout at the guards,
"Find him, now and make sure you bring him or his hands"

This made Sam understand what is happening, he is the Key......

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