She's not mine anymore.

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The reader is aimed to be female, but just exchange the she and her with whatever pronoun and or pronouns you use. Love ya, remember to drink ur water and stay hydrated 💖💖 :)

"You're just a distraction."

Thats all you were to him. A distraction, an obstacle. Had he ever loved you in the first place? Had he felt nothing for you at all in the past years? Absolutely nothing? If that was the case he certainly fooled you.

You thought he was different. He was hostile and aggressive, and thats all everyone saw; but not you. Everyone thought he was a major asshole, and to a certain point, he was. But you looked deeper. You saw so much more than that aggressive facade.

You saw the good. The determination, and the persistence. You saw some type of good in him that you just couldn't explain. A good that not even he himself believed existed. Was that your problem? Better yet your mistake? You tried to see the good in him that...just wasn't there.

People warned you. Over and over again people would tell you he wasn't good for you, that he didn't treat you right, that he would break your heart into pieces. And there was always some part of you that knew they were right, but you ignored it.

You just got in the way of his dream. You only blocked his view. You stood on the top of your apartment building, the breeze passing you by. What about your dream? To become a pro hero by his side. To settle down. Did that mean nothing to him? You wanted to be with him, even now, and that hasn't changed.

It all happened so fast. One minute, you were having fun at your graduation party, and the next you were left sobbing in the parking lot of U.A. It was all a lie. All of it.

He never loved you.


"Woman! Get over here I need to talk to you!"

You, a giggling slightly tipsy mess walked over to Bakugou. You were smiling as bright as usual. You were expecting him to tell you that the two of you could head home now, considering he never wanted to go in the first place.

"Were fucking done."

You almost started to laugh. "You're kidding. W-what do you mean? We've been together for years Suki."

You looked at him and he looked completely serious. "Come on you aren't actually serious are you?"

"Does it look like I'm fucking Joking?" He snarled. "You're a distraction. I'm gonna be the number one hero, and you aren't gonna get in the damn way. No one fucking is. You can catch a ride and a place to sleep from Uraraka or whoever the the fuck. Come pick up your shit tomorrow. We're done."

Then he simply just walked away. There was no hesitation. None. He just said it. It took a moment to sink in, but as soon as it did, you were sobbing. You thought maybe, just maybe he loved you deep down, in his own way. I guess you were wrong about him. The girls came running over bombarding you with tons of questions. "What happened?" "Who did this to you?"

And as you choked out your answer, they were furious. You forbade them to say anything to Bakugou no matter how mad they were; and life just went on.

He never called, texted. The last time you saw him was to pick up your things from his house. You got almost everything, but you couldn't find your favorite sweatshirt. But at this point, you didn't really care.

After a few weeks crying your heart out, and a lot of comforting from Uraraka and the girls, you you got over him. Or you tried your best to. You had no choice. If both of you were going to be pro heros, you were bound to see each other, or work together at some point. There isn't time for petty emotions when someone's life is at stake.

Bakugou X Reader Imagines/oneshots Where stories live. Discover now