Kongpob Suthilak

I looked back up, and the man was finally looking at me.


3rd POV

"Ugh, Hi. Yes, I have your things. It's over there by the corner."

"Oh, thanks. I am sorry to have bothered you. I'm Arthit Ronajpat by the way."

"Kongpob Suthilak. Nice to meet you."

The man stretched out his right hand to Arthit. Arthit grabs it for a hand shake. He has a nice afirm grip, Arthit thought to himself. They both head towards the corner where Arthit's belongings are tucked away.

"I think that's all of it. Reena left in a hurry." Kongpob says as he put on his jacket that was hanging on the coat rack.

"Ugh, yeah. It should be. Thanks again." Arthit struggles to push two large suitcases, a small suitcase, a duffle bag, and his work messenger bag.

"Here. Let me give you a hand with those. I'm on my way out anyway." Kongpob offers.

"Thanks. You were the gentleman at the cafe earlier, right?" Arthit asks looking expectantly at Kongpob.

"Yes, I am. I didn't mean to intervene earlier. Sorry about that." Kongpob says as he pulls along one of the big suitcases.

"That's okay. I should thank you instead. But didn't you say you're the cafe owner?" Arthit says as he drags his belongings following behind Kongpob.

"I'm that too." Kongpob says smiling turning his head back to Arthit.

Arthit is caught off guard with the man's beautiful smile. He almost bumps into him with all his stuff.

They reach the elevators, and Arthit reaches in his pocket to get his phone out. Maybe he can stay at Bright's tonight. As he pulls it out, and clicks on it, nothing happens. The screen is completely black. What the fuck is going on? Why are all the the stars aligned against me?

Not wanting to draw unnecessary attention from Kongpob, he quickly puts his phone back in his pocket. He'll just have to figure things out when he gets downstairs. The elevator arrives, and Kongpob pushes the big suitcase in while holding the door for Arthit.

Kongpob doesn't say anything, but he noticed Arthit's phone wasn't working. He reaches in his own pocket to get his phone.

"Thak, I'm coming down." Kongpob says, and then ends the call. He turns to Arthit, "did you drive? If not, I can drop you off wherever you like."

Arthit is embarrassed, but what choices did he have. Maybe he can get a ride to Bright's.

"No, I don't have a car. I would really appreciate it if it's not too much trouble." Arthit says sincerely.

"It's no trouble." Kongpob says as the elevator reaches the ground floor. As they come out of the elevator, the security guard quickly greets Kongpob.

"Good evening Mr. Suthilak. Let me help you with those." The security guard gestures another guard to take the suitcases from Kongpob and Arthit.

Upon reaching the exit, a black limo pulls up. The driver quickly comes out greeting Kongpob, and opens the car door for him.

Kongpob unbuttons his jacket and gets in. He scoots in to make room for Arthit.

Arthit feels a little out of place, but quickly climbs in the car after Kongpob. The driver closes the door after him, and climbs in the driver's seat. Once the security guards loaded Arthit's belongings in the trunk, the car pulls away.

"So where should we drop you off?" Kongpob asks.

Arthit's gives the driver Bright's location.

When they arrived, Kongpob was surprised that they were stopping in front of a bar.

"Is this where you are staying?" Kongpob asks.

"My friend owns the bar. I'll stay with him. Thanks for everything." Arthit awkwardly smiles.

The driver opens the door for Arthit.

"Sir, I can help take your bags." The driver offers.

Kongpob nods and smiles at Arthit. "Thak, please help Arthit with his things, and make sure he is okay."

"Yes, of course, Sir." Thak takes Arthit's two big suitcases and duffle bag.

Arthit takes the small suitcase and walks towards the bar with Thak following behind.

"Hey Arthit!" The bartender Jennie greets him.

"Oh, hi Jennie. Is Bright here?"

"Nope. Didn't you see him live stream a couple of hours ago in Maldives. That lucky bastard."

"Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks." Arthit dejectedly turns around to find Thak on his phone. What should he do now? He can't even call Knot to rescue him.

"Yes, sir. I will be right there." Thak finishes and hangs up. He turns to Arthit.

"Sir, please come with me." Thak takes Arthit's suitcases back out of the bar. Arthit has no choice, but to follow since the man didn't wait for his response.

This is going to be one hella of a long night.

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