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Hey guys, Evan here!
So we have a new addition to the team - Ashton. He's around the OG a count holders age, so 16ish.
Thanks to finally having four + people on the account we've decided to start an instagram account under the same name. On the account we will post when updates will be, if there's any new books coming out, random crack (memes, vines, tiktoks) that we find entertaining. Depending on what's been uploaded you'll be able to figure out who it is, but there will be our names and a little message in the captions anyway!
It's         Creepy_Xnime         so go ahead and follow us on Instagram!

The OG holder does still use the account. She reads over what's been written, approves and rejects what's been written, edits if I or Jer have misssed out on anything. Also she adds in some things. She is done with exams now and all of that and will be more active here (hopefully), meaning you may be getting more frequent updates!

From the first one-shot book we are trying to get through all of the requests that were put in awhile ago, but we've only had one writer and one writer can only do so much. Those requests, once written, will be uploaded to the second One-shot book!

Thanks for taking your time to read this, hope your day is going well and will stay well...if it hasn't: I hope it gets better!
Peace out - Evan ✌🏼

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