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"Meiiii? Where are you?" Yuzu cooed, trying to find the raven.

The place Mei wanted up meet up was a restaurant. A incredibly busy one at that and the blonde couldn't seem to find the raven anywhere even when she stood out without trying. Finally a voice and hand gesture guided the blonde;

"Yuzu! Over here." Mei waved, just ahead of Yuzu.

She was sitting at a reserved table and it seemed to be further away from everyone else.

Yuzu's heart started to increase beating every step closer.

Mei had a dazzling smile placed on her face. Genuine. A type of smile that showed when something or preferably, someone brightened up your day.

Yuzu grinned, trying to get rid the flood of emotions that suddenly popped in her. The feelings weren't bad but she just had no clue why they were there.

She took a seat across from Mei and grabbed the menu. "What do you want?"

"Uhm-" Mei tilted her head forwards and opened the menu. After a minute of scanning the dishes, she looked at Yuzu and smiled. "What you're getting."

The blonde nodded. A waiter/waitress wasn't around so she tried to rile a conversation with the raven. "So, what do you wanna talk about?"

Mei gave a cute lopsided smile that looked like a endearing smirk. "We'll get to that later."

Huh. "Okay." Yuzu squeaked by her sudden confidence and suddenly the waiter appeared by the table.

"Good evening, ladies," he said, taking a notebook out from the pocket of his jeans. "What should I get for you two this evening?"

Yuzu started to speak, "Two bowls of ramen please." while doing so, she glanced at Mei for any i-hate-this-food type of look but Mei looked pleased.

The waiter jotted the orders down and spoke again directed to Mei this time, "So how was your day?" He was lingering around longer than he should.

"Good?" Mei arched an eyebrow. She seemed to be surprised but was polite anyways.

"Um..." The waiter looked shy and nervous like a nerd. Not to be rude but he did not look good or cute. Before leaving, he jotted something down quickly before ripping it and handing it to Mei. "Hopefully." before hurrying away towards the kitchen.

Citrus: UndercoverWhere stories live. Discover now