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Taeyong sat in his room, hugging his knees to his chest. Chewy sat on the foot of his bed and stared at him. Taeyong put his head in his knees.

"Ugh, why did I say yes? I can't believe I did that!" Taeyong said. "I'm not gay!" He shouted at himself.

"Taeyong, your friends here!" His father shouted, from downstairs.

Taeyong swallowed. He grabbed a pair of the black shoes he normally wore, and pulled on his simple black blazer.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He had dyed his hair after he had gotten back from the pet store. Instead of the black with blue highlights, he now had soft blue hair.

"Coming!" He shouted.

He jogged downstairs quickly.

Mingyu stood in the doorway. Taeyong's father was nowhere in sight.

"Hey." Mingyu smiled.

"Uh... hi." Taeyong couldn't hide how nervous he was.

Mingyu had this strange power over him. He just couldn't keep himself from doing what Mingyu said.

"Lets go." Mingyu smiled.

Taeyong followed him out to his car and climbed inside.

"So, where are we going?" Taeyong asked.

"This really nice diner. It's great food." Mingyu said.

Taeyong smiled. "Cool."

The drive there was silent, and awkward, on Taeyongs part. Taeyong felt like a dumb, excited to go on her first date.

It was true, Taeyong had never been on a date, but it was also true that he was NOT gay.

"Why so quiet, this is supposed to be fun, you know."

Mingyu smiled over at him.

"It's just... I'm not gay, Mingyu." Taeyong said.

"Right." Mingyu kept his eyes on the road.

"I'm not." He repeated.

"Well, that's not what I'm getting."

"Getting from where? This is the original source." Taeyong said, pointing at himself.

Mingyu laughed.

"The original source lies sometimes. That's why it's a good idea to have multiple sources."

"Well, this source isn't lying." Taeyong was getting pissed off.

Mingyu suddenly swung the car around.

"Where are we going, now?" Taeyong glared at him.

"Stop your bitching, maybe going somewhere more fun will cheer you up." Mingyu laughed.

Taeyong crossed his arms and sat quietly for the rest of the ride. They pulled up to a shady looking building.

"Oh good god, where are we?" Taeyong stared at the gray and run down building.

"Hey, now. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Come on." Mingyu said, climbing out of the car.

"Just to let you know, I do judge a book by it's cover. No one ever picks up some shitty looking book and says 'Hey, I want to read this.'" Taeyong said, sarcastically as he climbed out of the car.

"Come on, you'll have fun." Mingyu said.

"Or get herpes." Taeyong scowled. "Or rabies." He shrugged. "Or herpes and rabies."

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