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Taeyong looked at the wooden table.

Several names were carved into it. Jaehyun name too.

"It's a family tradition. Everyone who's in the family carves their name into the table. So, whenever someone gets married, them and all of their family has to carve in their names." Jaehyun explained.


"It's been in the family for years, as soon as I could write I carved mine in the middle. I just hope one day I meet some hot stud to- cellar!" Jaehyun shouted the last word.

"What?" Taeyong furrowed his brow.

"The cellar! I haven't checked there yet and that's where they hide shit all the time!" Jaehyun turned off the burner and put the last pancake on the blue plate. "Hold this." He shoved it in Taeyong's direction.

"Wait, what? Where are you going?" Taeyong followed him, plate still in hand.

"I told you, cellar."

Jaehyun called out as he jogged out the front door. Taeyong followed him, not knowing where to set the buttered pancakes. He followed Jaehyun down to the cellar.

"Find it?" He asked, feeling stupid holding a plate of warm pancakes.

"Yep." He held up a grey backpack.

"Can we go upstairs, now? It's freezing out here." Taeyong said, holding the warm plate closer.

"Sure." Jaehyun smiled.

He moved past Taeyong and reached for the wooden doors to the cellar. He pushed on them and only the sound of rattling metal was heard.

They both froze.

He tried again, pulling, pushing, and then shaking them furiously.

"Not working."

Jaehyun frowned.

"Uh... How about some pancakes?"

"W-what?" Taeyong's jaw almost dropped.

"I don't know, it must have gotten stuck." Jaehyun said.

"Oh Jesus."

Taeyong tried the door himself. Seeing that it was, in fact, locked, he moved to the back wall and sighed. He sank down to the ground and Jaehyun sat down next to him.

Jaehyun stared at him, and grabbed a pancake off the stack. Taeyong glared at him.

"How can you be hungry, now?" Taeyong asked.

Jaehyun shrugged. Taeyong rolled his eyes, and after a second, grabbed a pancake.

They munched on the pancakes silently for awhile.

"These are good..." Taeyong said.

"Thanks, Lee." Jaehyun smiled.

Taeyong glared at him.

"Stop calling me that."

"What? It's your name."

"My name is Taeyong." Taeyong said.

"Lee Taeyong. So... You're Lee."

Jaehyun wrapped an arm holding a piece of pancake around Taeyong's neck and pulled him closer.

He kissed his forehead, leaving a small chocolate mark from the chocolate chips. Taeyong blushed and wiped the chocolate away quickly.

Jaehyun smiled and laughed.

superhuman // jaeyongKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat