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Taeyong stepped inside the hallway and sighed.

His first day of school, again.

He had started school and had only been in class a few days before he had gotten sick. For a long time no one could figure out what animal he was mutated with.

He had all the symptoms of the disease but showed no animal traits at all. At least not on the surface.

What nobody knew was that he had grown three extra organs.

After finally discovering them, many doctors tried to figure out what they were. Finally, it was a marine biologist who figured it out.

Taeyong had been mutated with an electric eel.

He is a superhuman.

The three organs were used to produce electric pulses. A normal electric eel, Taeyong found out, is able to generate 500 volts and 1 amp of electricity.

Of course the three inherited organs Taeyong developed were easily ten times bigger.

He had enough energy stored in his body to kill ten adults. After they had figured it out, they had sent him to the camps.

He had spent a year in isolation.

He wasn't able to speak to anyone but the guards, who were cruel and prodded him with cattle prods to watch them explode when he got angry.

He had lost a lot of weight because he refused to eat, and they had to force feed him a lot of the time.

His doe eyes, which were once filled with joy and curiousity of a teenager, had turned cold and bitter.

He used to be amazed by the things that humanity could do when it pulled together. Now he looked at people with nothing but contempt.

The only reason he had returned to school was because he knew no one would remember him, and no one would know he was infected.

That was the positive thing about his situation.

His mutation was invisible to anyone who didn't have x-ray vision, and a skilled knowledge about human anatomy.

He had returned to his hometown, Seoul, and found that people he used to know, neighbors and friends, were never told what had happened to him.

His dad had told them all he went to live with his mother.

No one knew.

Taeyong kept it like that.

Whenever anyone would ask him about his trip, he would smile and lie.

He didn't get along with his dad. It wasn't that they hated each other, it was that they no longer connected.

After spending so long in the camp, Taeyong had changed.

He wasn't a friendly ordinary teenager anymore. He looked at everything with cynical eyes.

His father tried to make conversation but both of them found it awkward. Taeyong couldn't talk to him about sports, or music, or TV, they had nothing to say to each other.

Taeyong stared at the hallway full of high schoolers.

They were all close to his age.

He had been a freshman when he was taken. Now a senior, he was worried he would behind everyone else.

But he had always been exceptionally smart and caught on to things he had learned in class quickly, he had even taken a few classes that were ahead of what he should have been at.

He looked down at the paper in his hand and memorized the locker number.

The bell rang, and while everyone else scurried off to class, he stayed in the empty hallway trying to find his locker.

He had finally found it and was jiggling the handle, annoyed, when a light voice spoke.

"Shouldn't you be in class, haksaeng? You're late." A woman behind him said.

He turned and stared at the tall well dressed woman.

"Sorry, I'm new. I'm having some trouble with my locker." Taeyong excused himself.

"Oh! You're the late transfer. That locker always sticks, sorry."

She smiled and tried to help him with it. It finally snapped free and he began putting his textbooks in it.

"I'm Principal Choi, welcome to the school." She smiled, and held out a hand.

Taeyong glanced at it and took it in his. A small snap was heard and she pulled her hand back.

"Ouch, static electricity." She mumbled.

Taeyong turned back to his locker and put up a magnetic calendar and planner.

"Do you know where your first class is? I can take you there, excuse your tardy." She said.

Taeyong smiled.

"Thank you, seonsaengnim."

He showed her his schedule and they began walking down the hall to his first class, English.


Jaehyun sat in his seat, throwing a paper air plane at the back of his friends head.

It hit Mingyu in the head and he turned and glared at him, flipping him off.

Their teacher cleared her throat loudly and glared at both of them.

Mingyu turned around and looked forward. Their teacher began telling them about the book they were going to be reading, when the door opened.

Their principal stepped into the room and another, smaller, figure followed her in.

Jaehyun's jaw dropped.


A beautiful boy with his beautiful doe eyes stood there.

He was thin. Almost too thin. His hands were long and slender. He had beautiful high cheekbones and the pants he wore showed off his long legs and tight ass.

Mingyu whipped his head around and both of them at the same time mouthed the words 'Called him.' They began shaking their heads at each other and silently arguing.

"Sorry to interrupt, but this is your new student. Lee Taeyong." The principal introduced the stunning boy.

"Welcome to the class, have a seat anywhere." Their teacher said, and went back to writing on the board.

The principal left and Taeyong was left sitting up in front of the class.

Both Mingyu and Jaehyun quickly moved all of their stuff off of the two empty seats next to them.

Being the only two empty seats in the room, Taeyong had to pick one. They both studied the boy, who finally walked towards Mingyu.

Jaehyun cursed in his head, and then nearly cried with joy when Taeyong walked passed his friend and sat next to Jaehyun.

Mingyu looked back and glared at Jaehyun, who gave him a thumbs up and a smug nod of the head.

The teacher continued to ramble on about the book, but both of the men could only stare at the new kid.

Lee Taeyong

//To be Continued

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