Chapter: 14 Invitation

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Ichigo's POV

"Have you guys found anything out yet?" I asked through the phone. Right now I'm speaking to Austyn, Mahieu and Hubert who are on the other line. "Not yet but we're getting there." Mahieu replied as tapping of keys from the keyboard were heard. "I still can't believe how well covered up her cheating is." Hubert commented. "Well her father is a very well known figure over at Germany so it isn't that weird." Austyn commented. "Well....Yeah I guess that makes sense but we better get proof of her cheating as soon as possible. I'm just about finished with these so called 'sweet princes'. I mean they can't keep up at all!!" I complained.

That's right a few days ago we were told to make a simple 2 layered cake but it took us more than an hour all because they kept arguing amongst themselves and wouldn't listen to any of my instructions, ESPECIALLY THAT KASHINO MAKOTO!!! In the end the teacher gave us a B+, I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN ANYTHING OTHER THAN As SINCE I GOT HERE!!! I'M A STRAIGHT 'A' STUDENT AND THEY COMPLETELY RUINED MY STREAK!!

I was pulled out of my reverie when someone knocked on my door. I audibly groaned. Hey I have never hidden my hatred towards them. I got up from my spot on my bed and walked towards the door and opened it slightly.

"What do you want?" I questioned with a glare.
"Henri-sensei came to visit you, he's waiting down stairs and it's time for dinner." Kashino answered seeming unaffected by my glare. I sighed and exited my room. I made my way down the stairs without a single word to Kashino. When I arrived downstairs I was delighted to see Henri-sensei. I hastened my pace towards him.

"Sensei!" I called out as I occupied the spot beside him. "What brings you here?" I eagerly inquired. Henri-sensei gave a hearty laugh. "It's been awhile since you acted like this." He mumbled, he said it so quietly that I had trouble hearing his words. 

"Anyways I'm here to inform you that my dear friend has requested you to make the birthday cake and other desserts for his daughter's party. He had a taste of your cake during the CGP and he loved it." He informed me. Around the time he said the words "cake" I was already beaming.

"I ACCEPT THE REQUEST!!" I exclaimed excitedly. 

"I knew you'd say that." Henri-sensei said with a smile playing on his lips.

I smiled back at him. I then realized something, I looked over to the sweet princes. "Are they coming along?" I questioned my hatred evident on my voice. Henri-sensei looked over to the boys, then he frowned.

"I'm afraid that's up to you." He said albeit shaking his head. "But a little advice Ichigo, you need as many hand as you can get. There's a lot of work to be done so maybe you can let them tag along as your assistants." He told me. 

"Why do we have to be assistance!? We have equal skills with Austyn and the others." Makoto complained.

"That's quite an ambition you got there. Hmmm maybe in another million years your words might come true." I said spitefully.

"What's your problem!? You've been nothing but sarcastic and mean ever since you came here." And I thought Makoto was smart.

"My problem? You're my problem!" I pointed at them accusingly. "You can't do anything right! You're like kids always fighting over little things, and during lessons no less!" I added before they could say anything. By now I was already standing and fuming from anger.

"Ichigo calmed down for a bit." Henri-sensei gently said placing a hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath. 

"Do you hate us that much Ichigo-san?" Sennosuke asked. I let out a bitter laugh.

"You know the answer to that Sennosuke." I rebuked. He visible flinched at my new way of addressing him.

"I'll be taking my leave now Ichigo." Henri-sensei said. "The party will be in 3 days, it's cutting it close but I'm sure you can manage." Then he left.

I went back to my room right after. I didn't want to spend another second with them.

------ time skip----- midnight----

"Urgh! This isn't right either!" I groaned. I've been coming up with desings for the cake. The celebrant was turning 15 and there wasn't any particular theme. Because of that it's twice as hard to come up with ideas. "Ichigo you should take a break you won't get any ideas if you're tired." Latte said handing me a glass of.... well latte. I took the cup and thanked him for it. "Thanks Latte. I guess I'll go for a little walk. Watch over Vanilla for me will you?" I waved him good bye. "Sure thing." I heard him call out.

I headed to the garden located at the back of the dorm bringing with me my glass of latte. I sat near a tree that was planted in the middle of the garder. I gazed at the star filled night sky as I took a sip of my latte. "Amano? What are you doing here?" My time of serenity was broken by the all too familiar voice of Kashino. I ignored him. "It's already late. You might catch a cold. You better head back inside." He said. I  turned to him with a cold look. "Why exactly should I listen to you? I can do what I want whenever I want." I said with a lot of venom. "Hey! What with your way of talking! Kashino is worrying about you and yet your giving him that kind of attitude!" Chocolat exclaimed. I stood up from my spot, my latte now conpletely finished. "He has no right to worry about me." I retorted roughly brushing my shoulders against Kashino's as I passed him. "Amano!" He called out as I was about to enter the dorm. I paused. "I'm sorry." He said regret laced on his voice. "If sorry could solve everything that happened then I would be here now would I?" I turned to face him. "I loved you Kashino and hearing you say that I was useless broke me. You can't just say sorry and expect to be forgiven. You should stop thinking that I'll ever forgive you. Also stop ruining my life." I told him with finality while he looked at me with a pained expression.

I went back to my room after that little drama. I had found Latte fast asleep beside Vanilla. I sat in front of my desk and took hold of my pencil. I looked up to see the night sky one last time before placing all my attention to my paper.

I can't wait to bring my design to life.

Sorry late update. My exams are coming up and I'm very busy with school.

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