Chapter 4:Princes de Rêve

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Ichigo's POV

As I got close to group A's table I spotted 3 handsome boys, as I got closer I noticed many of my classmates were murmuring. "Hello it's nice to meet you, my name is Amano Ichigo, I'll be in your care from now on" I said putting on my best smile "Hello Ichigo-chan, my name is Mahieu Wistaria it's nice to meet you I hope we get along" the one named Mahieu said (how he looks like👇)

 "Hello it's nice to meet you, my name is Amano Ichigo, I'll be in your care from now on" I said putting on my best smile "Hello Ichigo-chan, my name is Mahieu Wistaria it's nice to meet you I hope we get along" the one named Mahieu said (how he l...

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I smiled "nice to meet you too... um can we continue with the intorductions later we need to start making the cake" I said "uhh yeah sure" Mahieu replied "ok.. now I need you all to tell me what you specialties are" I said in a somewhat demanding voice "I specialize in experimental baking (like Andou)..." he paused and pointed at a black haired guy "he specializes in crafts (like Hanabusa)..." he paused again and pointed at a blonde haired guy "he specializes in chocolates (like Kashino)" I stayed silent for awhile making out a quick plan for our cake, 'we only have limited time so we should do a simple cake but with complicated flavors' I thought "alright are you guys ok with making a pound cake--" I started to say but was cut off by the blonde haired guy "HAHHH a pound cake?! With such a simple cake our team is gonna get a low mark" he protested, I glared at him "LET.ME.FINISH." I said as I glared at him, he tch at me looked away 'urgh I know I don't look like it but I WAS the leader or A group before' I thought then started to feel sad when I realize that I started thinking about them, I snapped out of it when I heard Mahieu say "Ichigo-chan continue what you were saying and don't mind him, he isn't usaully like this" I smiled at him and said " as I was saying we'll make a simple pound cake but.. let's just say it wouldn't be that simple... ok so first I need Mahieu to make a red bean paste base and who ever that guy is, to make a white chocolate base.." I said instructing Mahieu and the blonde haired guy on what to do "then you will make the crafts... can you handle making 4 butterflies 2 with only one wing and 4 hearts 2 is a broken heart?" the black haired guy nodded his head "ok let's start" I said as I went to the refrigirator and got strawberries and a lemon, I made the strawberries into cream and instead of sugar I added lemon, I set it aside and got a chocolate bar, I cut out a piece and put it in a bowl then I boiled hot water, I measured the the temperature and once it was at the right temperature I put the bowl on top of the boiling water, I let it boil for a few minute more than needed to make it bitter while not affecting it's texture, after I boiled another one but this time I made it sweeter, by the time I was finished the 3 boys also finished their work "so what are we gonna do now" the black haired guy said "let me handle everything else from here on out" I said I sliced both the red bean paste base and white chocolate base I placed the strawberry cream on top of the white chocolate and place the red bean paste base on top I then put strawberry cream on top of the red bean paste base then rolled it, after that I took the chocolate icings I made, I poured the sweet one on one half of the cake and the bitter one on the other half, I took the crafts then I placed the 2 butterflies and 2 hearts on top of the sweet icing and place the 2 one-winged butterflies and the 2 half/broken hearts and placed them at the bitter part, I called the teacher over I gave her a slice of both side and asked her to taste it one by one, after she took a taste of both of them she wouldn't stop complimenting the cake, despite saying it was very simple at first, then she asked what was the inspiration for the idea "..well.. you see I just arrived here and was directly placed at A group with out anyone knowing my skill.. so there would be a lot of possiblities that could happen.. the sweet part was inspired when I thought that me and the other member of group A would get along, we would be able to achieve our dream together and our hearts would be connected on the other hand the bitter part is when we don't get along, we'd have trouble cooperating with each other making it harder for us to reach greater lengths.." I answered, by now everyone was staring at me "wow!that a really deep explanation there, you get full marks, keep up the good work" Sensei said before leaving to check on the other groups, the boys had began talking amongst themselves so I went and made mini cakes using the left over ingredients, by the time I finished eveyone else started to clean up "hey Ichigo-chan.." Mahieu called out, I turned to look at him, he was with the other 2 boys "this is Hubert Kirigaya" Mahieu said as he pointed to his left where the black haired guy was standing "hey nice to meet you" Hubert said "nice to meet you too I hope we get along" I replied (how he looks 👇)

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