"Hey, I got two points earlier today."

"If you keep saying stuff like that, they will absolutely be rescinded."

A blood curdling growl echoed out in the distance, sending everyone in the bottom of the bus to the covered windows, prying for an inch of view out into the junkyard.

Dustin peered between the teenagers, heart racing. "You see him?"

Steve shook his head just as Tatum did. "No."

Backing up from the window, Dustin called up to the roof. "Lucas, what's going on?"

"Hold on!" The long pause was filled with dread. "I've got eyes! Ten o'clock! Ten o'clock!"

Steve pointed out the window, drawing Tatum's attention. "There."

Dustin shoved his way back between the two. "What's he doing?"

"I don't know." Steve squinted, the outline of Dart muddled by the fog.

"He's not taking the bait. Why is he not taking the bait?" Tatum asked, her brain attempting to play it off like it was a large dog.

"Maybe he's not hungry?" Dustin offered unconvincingly.

Steve sighed. "Maybe he's sick of cow."

Tatum's eyes narrowed, turning over her shoulder in time with Dustin as Steve backed up from the window. "No."

"Steve, what are you doing?" Dustin took a step forward as Steve picked up his baseball bat from his backpack. "Steve."

Steve held up his lighter. "Just get ready," he said, tossing the trusty zippo to Dustin.

"You don't have to go out there," Tatum told him, following him up to the door. "He might still take the bait."

"We need new bait," Steve countered. "It'll be okay."

"I'm a terrible babysitter, Steve."

Steve laughed softly. "You'll be fine. You're a great babysitter." He pointed between Tatum and Dustin. "Be ready." Prying the bus door open, he stepped outside with his bat at the ready.

Dustin moved past Tatum, pulling the bus door shut. "He'll be alright. He's done this before."

"This is a nightmare," Tatum mumbled, going back to the window and pressing her face close to the glass. "He's mad."

"He's Steve." Dustin joined at her side, watching Steve move slowly through the fog.

Max descended the ladder hastily, wedging her way up the window. "What's he doing?"

"Expanding the menu," Dustin replied.

"He's insane," said Max.

Dustin grinned lightly. "He's awesome."

Steve swung the bat dauntingly as he reached the meat pile, Dart several feet ahead of him, likely pep talking himself along the way.

But they hadn't thought about everything.

"Steve," Lucas yelled from the roof, "watch out!"

"What's wrong?" Tatum asked quietly, breath hitching in her throat.

"A little busy here!" Steve shouted back, eyes staying on Dart.

"Three o'clock! Three o'clock!"

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