You'd better pay me

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By: Dillon Hammell, Age 12, South Carolina, USA
Gender: Male
Genre: Dramatic
Description: The Pied Piper threatens the townspeople if the Mayor doesn't pay him.

What do you mean you aren't going to pay me? I just got rid of those rats for you. They won't be back for a long time, if ever. So, where's my money? What? This is a joke, right? I have a family to feed you know. You need to pay me now! I just single-handedly went from town to town playing my flute and had an army of rats following me. I got rid of them all, every last one! If it wasn't for me, then you people would have gotten a horrible plague that would have killed almost everyone. You need to know that there are more things I can do with this flute of mine. Since you were smart enough to hire me to take care of the rats then you should be smart enough to know that you should pay me unless you want something terrible to happen. Still not going to pay, huh? (Starts playing the flute.) Do you hear that? That thunder and lightning surrounding us? That's the magic starting to work. Say goodbye to your children. (He grins and starts playing the flute again.)

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