The Bully

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By: Philip G., Age 13, New Mexico, USA
Gender: Any
Genre: Dramatic
Description: A teenager warns the new kid about the school bully.

Look, you're new here, so I feel it's my duty to warn you... there are a couple of people you'll want to avoid. Skylar Morrison likes to thump kids on the head. He's easy to spot because he's the biggest kid in our grade. He used to be in the grade above us, but I guess he needed to learn more, so he's in our class now. He's mostly harmless beyond the thumping on the head thing. It's Ross Sullivan you really have to watch out for. His real name is Roscoe and sometimes teachers call him that, especially if they are new. But make sure that YOU don't ever call him that. He's pretty good at name-calling. There's this one kid he calls booger-licker or BL for short. That's Julian Wynn, and he has really bad allergies. Ross also likes to do things like stuff mashed potatoes down your shirt at lunch. I know this from personal experience. If you tell on him, that will make it worse. He especially likes to pick on smart kids, and I'm telling you this because I can already tell that you are smart. (Pause.) What? Oh, I don't know why he does it. If I had to guess I would say that he probably gets treated like that at home. That's what my mom says anyway. Kids who torment other kids usually don't have it so good at home. (Pause.) Yeah, me too. I have awesome parents. Hey, maybe we can try to be nice to him. Maybe he needs a friend. I never thought of that. We can at least try.

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