Chapter Eleven

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(About 4 months later)
"Clarke" Lexa shoves the front door open, her face is tired and her back is slouched. Her uniform is messy and her bun is held together with pens.
"Lexaaaaa" Clarke slides down the hallway and wraps Lexa in a hug.
"I need to talk to you Clarke." Clarke pulls away, her face now showing signs of worry.
"What's the matter babe?" Lexa sighs and twists her hands before she blurts,
"I'm getting transferred. To California." Clarke sinks into a chair, the weight of the words sinking down and on top of her.
"In a month"
"What part of California?"
"It's a little beach town called Encinitas. They want me to take over the department there."
Clarke stays quiet, a million questions are thought of, but not said. "I want you to come with me." Lexa kneels in front of Clarke and takes one hand, "We can get a cute house right on the beach and I can teach Aden and Madi how to surf and we'll get to spend long days out in the sun and even longer nights out on the sand just listening to the-" Clarke yanks her hands out of Lexa's and jumps backwards, knocking over the chair she was sitting in.
"Stop it Lexa stop it. Madi and I can't move to California with you. That's all the way across the country. I've built my life here Lexa. My business my horses, my friends my home is here Lexa." Lexa simply nods and pastes a grim smile on her face.
"I understand." And with that the front door is closed and she's gone. Clarke sinks to the floor, tears forming rivets in her makeup and pooling at her chin. All of it, everything she and Lexa have worked towards. It was gone. In an instant.
Clarke was there. She was making breakfast and driving Madi to school. She taught lessons and took care of the horses. She was going through all the movements but Clarke felt as if she was floating above her body. She felt utterly alone for the first time ever. Not even Raven could fill that massive Lexa-sized gap in her heart. So that's why Clarke is standing outside the police department at 6:00pm just two days since Lexa closed the front door and didn't come back. She sat in her truck and waited for Lexa to walk out. When she did, Clarke panicked a little. But not enough for her to abandon her mission. Clarke walked on shaky feet to intercept Lexa as she exited the building.
"Lexa it's you."
"When I said my home was here I was lying. It's you Lexa. You're my home. You're the love of life and I've never ever felt this way for anyone else. You turn my world. My heart beats for you Lexa Woods." Clarke allowed one tear to slip down her cheek as the words tumbled out. All Lexa did was smile.
"I'm yours Clarke Griffin. You're my home."

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