Highschool Transformers

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Highschool dxd and Transformers (live)

(Y/n)'s pov

During the afternoon, I wore casual clothing with equipment underneath the jacket. I was at the teashop enjoying tea. To my eyes, I see reports of dead people. Nothing too shocking but I know they're enemies to us. As to everyone, they can't see it.

???: "Hey there young man."

I look up to see this girl in good-looking outfit. I gave the impression of 🤨.

???: "You look a bit lonely. Don't mind if I hang out with you?"

(Y/n): "Sure. May I ask, who are you?"

Yuuma (Raynare): "My apologies, my name is Yuuma Amano. Yours?"

(Y/n): "Just (Y/n)."

Timeskip (play music provided)

We were in the middle of the first as Yuuma claims to be 'special' area (A/n: 51). Though or time was great, I've felt something disturbing with in the spark.

She faced me in the opposite direction, 1 metre close. She asked:

Yuuma: "I know we've only met for a day but I got to ask? Would you die for me?"

Curiosity, I've shown. Stab I was before I could reply. The wound pierced through the stomach. I almost collapse but I have enough energy to see her face.

(Y/n): "W-why?" (Acting)

Yuuma: "Honestly, I don't know but my boss wanted you dead. But all of this felt... Satisfactory to say the least. But now I must end you."

(2:42 for music)

(Y/n): "Y-you know, you s-should've gone for the h-head, fallen angel."

(3rd pov)

The lightning sparks around his body as metal armour transforms him. The armour shown with the matrix around the back.

(4:19)Yuuma scared once in her lifetime, of this guy, she did not know who he is exactly until the beam hit him

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Yuuma scared once in her lifetime, of this guy, she did not know who he is exactly until the beam hit him.

The metal enlarge to create something far worse then enemies of fallen angels. Metal titan rose up. Screams heard from the monster.
The features form him; claws, metallic body menacing face and the haunting red eyes, shown fully clear.

Megatron: "You

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Megatron: "You. Traitor."

This monster, was responsible for the damages from fallen angel's base. The deaths of spies and now, in front of her. Yuuma or Raynare was too afraid that she couldn't move. As Megatron grabbed her from the ground. Crushing her back during the process.

Megatron: "You will die, knowing you've failed your boss, all alone, I will show the truth to everyone and be humiliated. You. Will. Die."

Yuuma's scream was the last thing he heard, or anyone else.

A/n: This story will not be started. The music of betrayal and the reading of dxd gave me this scenario. Also, do tell me besides the look, that Yuuma or Raynare was good. Other than next, new idea.

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