She glances at me before giggling "Very funny, I need to go," Amity attempts to leave but i grab her arm pulling her back down, "She's not joking," I say, my voice deeper than normal, alerting everyone of my wolfs presence, My eyes glow Amber as he takes control for a moment, attempting to prove to our mate that he exists, trying to pull her in ever so slightly. A shaky breath leaves her lips as she attempts to pry my hand off her arm,

I pull back the control as i stare down at my frightened mate, "Please don't be scared tesoro," i say as i place my hand on her cheek, pulling her to face me, before she writhes out of my grip, "You, You're all...monsters," She breathes out, i can practically feel my heart as it shatters,

"No, that is something far off what we are," Mother speaks as i forget how to, "We are the closest supernatural being to humans, we just have something else living inside us, now please, for my son and this packs sake, breathe and sit so we can explain," Surprisingly she obeys, sitting on the edge of the bed, cautiously, trying to stay away from each of us.

"Alpha, I need to check the Luna's wounds, if that's okay," I nod as Lilia steps forward, "Tesoro, she needs to make sure your okay," I explain to my mate as she backs up slowly, "Long ago, Serene, The moon goddess, and her siblings were sick of being on the sidelines, so they went to their brother, god of humans, and managed to convince him to allow them to create their own species, specimen who looked up to them, Serene was a hopeless romantic with a love for the wolf, so she created us, She gave us the ability to transform into wolves at any given time, yet we could walk around without being detected when we were in human form." My mother explains, a smile on her face as she tells her favorite story.

"She gave us, alter egos, almost, our wolves. They guide us through life, help us when we need it, become our best friends and worst enemy's at the same time. Originally she only created one, almost as if he were a test run, before she created more, she watched them suffer from above, she watched them in the depths of their loneliness as they failed to fall in love, and were forced to kill those who they managed to due to their fear, so she gave them mates, someone they were meant to be with, human and wolf. Mates are what humans would call a soulmate, they're your other half, you could date thousands of different people and no one could make you feel the way they do. She was so happy watching her wolves finally fall though she couldn't help the loneliness that filled her, but one Alpha of her creation was a horrible tyrant, she couldn't bear to give him someone in fear of what he would do to them." she continues.

"But in a spur of desperation, she mated him with her. Oh how that Alpha chased her, and eventually he changed. Mates are the most special gift we were given, no advanced hearing of ability could top the feeling when they touch us, you see, some of us are monsters, who kill for fun," she sends me a pointed glare, she never has liked my killing habits, "But all of us, even those ones are just wolves yearning for their love,"

Amity looks down as she fiddles with her hands, before she returns her tear ridden gaze to my mom, "Are you going to kill me now?" She questions with tears running down her face, My mother looks taken aback to which Amity explains her reasons. "You can't trust me not to tell anyone, can you? Please don't, I promise i won't say anything, I just wanna back to my little sister, that's all." She practically sobs.

"No one will hurt you, Not without going through me, and Lance and everyone in this pack." I explain, before turning to Lance.

'Can you go get her sister, i assume you had someone follow her when she was dropped off'

I mind link him, receiving a small nod, "I have more to explain young girl." My mother smiles as she takes a seat next to my mate at the foot of the bed, placing a hand on her knee, if it wasn't my mother, my wolf would be going crazy right now, he's already furious about her stench of rogue, and the fact she allowed him so close.

"You see, as wolves we have packs, Omegas are the 'subjects' of the pack Pack Doctors and Pack Warriors are pretty self explanatory, the Beta is the second in charge along with their mate, The Alpha is the leader but the most important is the Luna," I give her a small growl along with my father "Not that these pups believe me," She adds in a small whisper causing my mate to giggle as Lilia checks her wounds.

"The Luna is the mother of the pack, the glue of it all, she's the Alphas mate. She's looked up to among the hundreds in these packs, she's caring and compassionate. The Alpha relies on her to calm him when he's mad and stop him from making the crazy decisions he would make without her. My son, looked for his long and far before he found her." She sends me a sorrowed look

"She sounds amazing," She says gulping. "You are," I reply causing her eyes to widen as she looks back at my mom, "That's not right, I'm a waitress who can hardly afford to pay her rent and look after her sister, let alone hundreds of thousands of half people." She exclaims causing Lilia to yelp in surprise,

"Serene chose you for a reason my dear," My father speaks for the first time, "And from experience you seem like you would make a great Luna," I give my father an appreciative look, smiling subtly as i take Amity's hand in my own, I go to speak before i'm cut off my a loud cry "Where's. My. Ammy?!" I hear a young voice scream angrily, I watch Amity go into high alert before turning to the door.

"Calm down girl-thing she's in here," I hear Lances voice causing me to snicker as he enters, "Ammy!" The young girl squeals punching Lances throat causing him to let her go as she runs over, I bring my hand to my mouth as i watch him cough frantically, glaring at the five year old. "I hate kids," He grumbles shutting the door as he stands back in the corner.

I turn back to Amity as she holds her sister before looking up at me "How did you know where she was?" She asks me causing me to freeze in my tracks, how do i respond to that 'oh i've had people following you in case someone murders you cause your my mate'

"Titus?" She asks, her tone hardening as if she's scolding me, my wolf both snarls and whimpers, having mixed emotions about it, he hates the fact he is controlling her and also feels upset that she's mad at him and honestly i feel the same way "I've had people following you, for protection," I spill.

"He's whipped already," I hear Lance whisper causing me to send him a glare, I hear a loud gasp as i look down at the young girl who writhes in Amity's arms, "You were watching my Ammy?!" She seethes, she grabs a t shirt i had thrown on the floor a while back and i feel it hit my leg, "I thought you were the BFG but now i know your the BMG." She shouts as she basically corners me into my wall, i have never been so terrified of something so small, she throws the shirt at me before walking towards Amity like nothing happened.

what's the bfg?

I mindlink Lance, confused.

The Big Friendly Giant

He says back giggling like a schoolgirl. I scrunch my eyebrows confused, before turning to my two girls. "Look Charity, why don't you go with Lance, he's gonna introduce you to his sister," She gives me an angry pout of which i follow with an ordering look. I watch triumphantly as she stands and follows and angry looking Lance out the room.

"I want to go home," Amity sniffles, I look over at the others in the room signaling for them to leave and they quickly do so. "Tesoro, I'm sorry, I dragged you into this world, I truly am, but please don't leave, at least stay, for a month at most and if you don't want it i can let you leave, you can tell anyone anything you can send hunters our direction, i don't care, just give me a month." I whisper. Praying i can make this the best month of her life before she wipes out the whole werewolf population.

"One month, and then i can leave," I nod, "And i can still go to school and live my normal life, i just come back here instead of home," Once again i reluctantly nod, "Obviously i will have someone drive you and Charity to and fro and have someone with you during school hours, but yes," She gives me a pointed look before sighing.


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