Chapter 1

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Everyone is happy! The people of Auradon and the people of the Isle are finally free to live together! Free from isolation and free to do what they want, of course as they follow the rules. Mal and Ben couldn't have been happier. They're engaged! And they can finally stop worrying about evil villains and start worrying about other things; like Mals bridal shower that Belle has been planning! Mal is so excited about the wedding. She has never thought she'd be marrying Belle and the Beasts son! She'd never think he'd take a villain kid. But, he saw the change and good in her and they fell in love. Now, they're King Ben and Queen Mal. Everything is like a fairytale. However, as magical and amazing everything was, something was worrying Mal greatly. Something she hasn't told anyone. Not even Evie.
She was in her room and wrote in her diary. She wasn't one for diaries but, she knew if she had any problems or things on her mind, it always helped to write them down. She wrote down all her thoughts of what happened since her and Ben got engaged: Audrey becoming evil and putting a sleeping spell all over Auradon, them all working with Uma, Harry and Gil to save Auradon, Mal defeating Audrey by almost killing her, but luckily Hades restored her life. Everyone found out Hades is Mal's father and Mal agreed to bring the barrier down for good. She finished writing the last of her thoughts and sighed putting it on her nightstand. She didn't know how she was going to tell anybody what she knew. She knew she should tell Evie. She's her best friend and they never keep any secrets. Evie was the only one who knew Hades was her dad. Mal knew Evie would want to know first. So, she got up and went to Evie's cottage where she was working on Mal's wedding dress.
She uses her purple motorbike and rides over there. She walks in and sees Evie hard at wood sketching and seaming. Mal knocks and Evie quickly looks up and smiles big. "Mal!" She gets up and runs to her grabbing her hands. "Perfect timing! I've been waiting to get you to into some of these dresses for fitting. Now I know your wedding is a few weeks away but, I want an early start so we have back ups or if you want to change anything or-," Mal just started bursting into tears and Evie's face grew to concern as she sat her down. "M what happened?" Mal sniffled her eyes full of tears. "I'm pregnant" Evie's mouth dropped and she looks at Mal who looks absolutely terrified. "Oh M..." She pulls her into a hug and holds her as Mal cries into her, getting the comfort she's needed. Evie lifts up and wipes Mal's tears.

"How long have you known?" Evie asks. "I've known since before Ben proposed to me" Mal says hoping Evie won't get mad she's waited this long to tell her. Evie just keeps her same concerned soft face and sighs. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Mal looks down playing with her hands. "I...was too scared to tell anyone, but I knew I needed to tell you. I didn't want to keep anymore secrets." "Have you told Ben?" Mal shakes her head no. Evie sighs. "M you need to tell him he's the father! He is the father right?" "Of course he's the father!" "Okay okay sorry just asking, okay how about you tell Jay and Carlos too, they have a right to know too." Mal knows Ben wouldn't like if so many people knew before him. She knew he had to tell him next. The question was: how was she going to tell him?

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm in love with these movies and I knew I had to write a fanfic! My friend and I had a theory Mal could have been pregnant in the movie since she kept touching her stomach, but it's Disney so probably not lmao! But anyway, hope you love it please comment! ❤️

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