The new boy

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Katsuki and Midoria have been dating for about 3 months and haven't gotten past holding hands (Because they're both pussies). Everyone knows about them and know that if you act on feelings that you have for either of the two it won't turn out well.
    -At School--Dekus P.O.V-
Kacchan said he was gonna be late to school because of some doctors appointment. It's kinda lonely walking to class alone. "Deku-Kun!" "O-oh Hi Ururaka!" She looks at me with a little confusion "Where's your top?" *Chokes*. A blush comes to my face. "I'm just messing with you deku-kun." She says letting out a giggle "But really where's Katsuki?". Why does she wanna know where MY boyfriend is? "He's gonna be late." She nodded and we walked to class. Mr. Aizawa walked in and we all sat down. "Ok brats we have a new brat joining our class". A tall dark haired blue eyed boy walked into class. I could hear a bunch of the girl's giggling and calling him hot, I didn't really care then we made eye contact and he winked at me. I-i didn't really like it, it made me feel really uncomfortable. "Alright make the new brat feel comfortable and don't kill anyone gn". After that a bunch of girl's ran up to him and I just continued to write in my notebook. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder "Uh hi" "Hi" That was all that was said for a few moments then. "I-I'm Elijah my friends call me Eli" he stuck out his hand for me to shake and I did. "I'm Izuku Midoria, my friends call me Deku" I smiled my usual smile. "So what's your quirk?" I got kinda flustered what am i supposed to say?! 'Ya the #1 hero gave me a piece of his hair and i got his quirk!'. "His quirk is kinda hard to explain but him being really strong is the best way I can describe it" I was saved by my best friend Ururaka. "Oh well i can't make copies of myself and be in two places at once." "That's really cool." I start writing that and mumbling "He does that" Ururaka says once again saving me from embarrassment. We all continued talking till.
-Kacchans P.O.V-
I hate being late! I think to myself while walking into school. Kirishima had texted me saying that there was a new kid. He better not be near my boyfriend. I walk up to the class and walk in no one really notices except. "Kacchan!" I hear as i see Deku practically run towards me a small smile comes to my lips then quickly fades away as i see what I'm guessing is the new kid staring at MY BOYFRIENDS ASS! I slam the door out of anger and walk away. I start to feel bad remembering that my deku was coming to me.  About half way down the hallway I hear. "Kacchan?" I turned around to walk to him then i hear. "Hey Deku are you ok?". I get so pissed that i just burst and yell. "I HATE YOU!". And run away.

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